Daily Dirt: It’s that time of year — bring on the gorefests


Daily Dirt for Sunday, June 26, 2022

Nothing like a little blood and guts on the silver screen, right? … Welcome to today’s three thoughts that make up Vol. 321 of The Daily Dirt.

1. Since it’s officially summer now, what are your all-time favorite hot-weather horror movies? Major movie studios traditionally release some of their best and scariest movies during the summer months. Here’s one man’s opinion of the best-ever summer gorefests:

  • 1. “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (1974): To this day, it remains the Babe Ruth of grisly screen offerings. The title alone earns a spot in the top five.
  • 2. “The Hills Have Eyes” (1977): This Wes Craven masterpiece (I know, I know, the term is used loosely) originally received an “X” rating for its violence. Craven did a little cutting and got it down to an “R.”
  • 3. “Evil Dead” (1981-2013): There are four films in this franchise, Just take your pick. They’re all squeamish.
  • 4. “The Devil’s Rejects” (2005): One critic said this film is a cross between “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and “The Hills Have Eyes.” Pretty accurate.
  • 5. “The Lost Boys” (1987): Some quality horror mixed with comedy (some of it unintentional) makes this a favorite. The film introduces Kiefer Sutherland as an aspiring vampire. “The Lost Boys” is credited as being the forerunner of the “sexy, young vampire” movies, so those of you who loved the “Twilight” series can tip your hat to this flick.

2. Here’s a look at some of the most horrific summer foods from around the globe:

  • The worst: Ox penis, or cow whip, is traditionally eaten on skewers or in soup in many different countries. If prepared correctly, the ox penis is bland, slightly rubbery, but with a similar texture to beef tendon.
  • A close second: Cow urine is a popular drink in India. It allegedly has therapeutic benefits. It also is used to clean floors.
  • Just generally disgusting: Bananas and mayonnaise sandwiches are surprisingly popular this time of the year in the deep south of the United States. Might as well sprinkle a little cow urine on the sandwiches, too.

3. The Daily Dirt has been employing themes in recent days. Obviously today is a summer theme. We top it off with our favorite summer songs:

  • Gold medal: “Pied Piper” by Crispian St. Peters (1966): The first time I heard this song was the summer before I entered seventh grade. Fifty-six years later, it’s still my favorite song from any summer.
  • Silver medal: “Summer Song” by Chad and Jeremy (1964): This is a close second. A very, very close second.
  • Bronze medal: Walking On Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves (1985): Remember those high-top sneakers Katrina wore in the video?

Steve Thought O’ The Day
Back to the strange foods thing for a minute. It’s information like this that reinforces the desire I have to never travel abroad. Never.

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. A little cow penis or ox urine makes him squeamish, but not “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?”

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