Yohn allegedly threatens to kill correctional officer in Adams County Jail, charged with Class 3 felony

Yohn in court

Bradley Yohn, seated at left, makes a point during a recent hearing in Adams County Circuit Court. Standing behind Yohn are bailiffs Korbin Stratman, center, and Chad Downs. | David Adam

QUINCY — Bradley Yohn of Springfield, who is preparing to defend himself against criminal sexual assault charges in a trial next month, picked up another felony charge last week for allegedly threatening to kill a correctional officer in the Adams County Jail.

A charging document filed Friday in Adams County Circuit Court by Adams County State’s Attorney Gary Farha claims Yohn, 35, said to correctional officer Cole Anderson, “I will get you, b*tch. I don’t care about no charge. When I get out, I will get you and kill you, b*tch. It doesn’t matter if I’m threatening you. They won’t charge me anyways. You’re dead, b*tch.”

Yohn also allegedly said he would “get” Anderson’s mother and sister first so Anderson had to watch.

Yohn was charged with threatening a public official, a Class 3 felony. Judge Tad Brenner set bail at $100,000 and assigned public defender Todd Nelson as Yohn’s attorney. A preliminary hearing is set for Nov. 1 before Brenner.

Yohn is defending himself against charges of home invasion, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated vehicular hijacking and aggravated criminal sexual assault with a weapon. He allegedly committed the crimes on Nov. 9, 2021, at the home of Christine “Tina” Schmitt, who died on Dec. 12. Yohn could be sentenced to serve between six and 30 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections if he’s found guilty of any Class X felony.

Yohn is being held in the Adams County Jail on a $15 million bond, believed to be the largest ever set in Adams County.

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