DAILY DIRT: Seriously, this is a good time for some resolutions


Daily Dirt for Monday, Dec. 26, 2022

The week in between Christmas and New Year’s is always good for reflection, and I’m here to help … Welcome to today’s three thoughts that make up Vol. 486 of The Daily Dirt.

1. The holiday season has now taken the official turn toward New Year’s, and that means it’s time for some resolutions.

And I don’t mean unrealistic resolutions like exercising and eating better — we both know one or both of those are not likely to happen.

But what CAN happen in 2023 are some — or even ALL — of the following:

  • 1. Give one compliment a day. I would venture by June you’ll be handing out at least a half dozen a day — and enjoying it.
  • 2. Develop, or spend more time on a specific interest of your own. Maybe that interest will evolve into a full-blown hobby or activity, which might mean a whole new circle of friends.
  • 3. Call a buddy. Don’t text. Yes, honest-to-goodness conversation.
  • 4. Do something positive for a friend, an acquaintance, your city — without posting how great you are on social media.
  • 5. Write down one thing each day you are grateful for. Just one. I think you’ll be surprised how long that list has become a few months down the road.
  • 6. Did someone do something nice for you recently? The start of 2023 would a great time to do something nice for someone else. Maybe it’s just paying for someone’s coffee when in a drive-through line, or personally buying (or at least donating the funds for) a meal for a homeless person. I would guess anyone reading this has enjoyed a great holiday season. Spread that feeling around.
  • 7. Write down three specific goals you’d like to accomplish in 2023. Not necessarily tomorrow or next week, but at some point in the coming 12 months. Give yourself time to fail — and try again.
  • 8. Take a break from your phone one night a week. Just leave it at home, or promise yourself only to use it in a case of emergency. Work on your people skills instead of your texting skills.
  • 9. Take a look in your closet. Clear out all the clothes you no longer wear. Believe me, there is someone out there who will appreciate them. Donate them to any one of numerous local charities.
  • 10. Clean out your car, or have a grandson do it — and pay him.

2. The top license plates I spotted or were messaged to me over the past week:

  • BUGEYE 9
  • PATISU 2
  • TOWED 42
  • HALOS 6
  • The year-to-date medal winners:

Gold medal: IMDUMB. One more week. Can it hang on to the top spot?.

Silver medal:OHYO ST8. Let’s go Bucks!

Bronze medal: NO ETA. That’s usually how my wife feels whenever we set out on a trip.


Next week in this space we’ll announce our 2022 plates of the year.

3. Worst ice cream toppings ever?

Try and digest — no pun intended — some the following, provided by honestlyyum. com:

  • Bacon and Maple Syrup: Reports indicate this combination is like a pancake party in your mouth. 
  • Salt and Malted Vinegar Potato Chips: The only saving grace here might be the salt. Key word is “might.”
  • Chicken Top Ramen: This HAS to be another dud. Can’t see what could make this palatable, and this is a guy who actually enjoys Ramen noodles.
  • Pickles: I know, I know. This is the classic pregnancy food. That still doesn’t make it edible.

Steve Thought O’ The Day — What if you combined pickles, Ramen noodles, salt, malted vinegar chips, bacon AND maple syrup for the ultimate disgusting ice cream topping? (Be honest. Did you just shudder?)

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. Is anyone else surprised he didn’t think bacon and maple syrup ice cream sounded good?

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