DAILY DIRT: A better question might be what are we NOT scared of?


Daily Dirt for Tuesday, April 4, 2023

After reading through these top 10 phobias I’m an emotional wreck. Yes, I’m a Daily Dirtphobiac … Welcome to today’s three thoughts that make up Vol. 570 of The Daily Dirt.

1. We’re all scared of something, or multiple somethings.

According to the verywellminded.com website, here are the top 10 phobias:

  • 1. Arachnophobia: This is an intense fear of spiders and other arachnids. For the record, there are an estimated 35,000 different spider species, but only around a dozen pose any type of real threat to humans. Oh yeah? Tell that to Mrs. Eighinger.
  • 2. Ophidiophobia: This is the fear of snakes, and it is quite understandable. They’re snakes!! 
  • 3. Acrophobia: Ahh, the fear of heights. This phobia can lead to anxiety attacks and avoidance of high places. People who suffer from this phobia may go to great lengths to avoid high places such as bridges, towers, or tall buildings. Count me in!!
  • 4. Aerophobia: This is an intense fear of flying. Around one out of every three people reportedly have some level of fear of flying. (I’m raising my hand.)
  • 5. Cynophobia: This is the fear of dogs. A person with cynophobia might feel unable to walk down a certain street because they know that there is a dog living in that neighborhood. This avoidance can impact the individual’s ability to function in their daily life and make it difficult to get to work, school or other events outside of the home.
  • 6. Astraphobia: The fear of thunder and lightning is a major problem for some. Astraphobiacs may spend a great deal of time each day tracking the local and national weather in order to know when any type of storm might take place.
  • 7. Trypanophobia: Hate to go to the doctor because of a fear of injections? You’re probably a trypanophobiac. Estimates suggest that as many as 20 percent to 30 percent of adults are affected by this type of fear.
  • 8. Social phobia: This phobia is connected to the fear of social situations and can be quite debilitating. In many cases, these phobias can become so severe that people avoid events, places, and people who are likely to trigger an anxiety attack.
  • 9. Agoraphobia: This is an intense fear of places that are difficult to escape, sometimes involving a fear of crowded or open spaces. Two-thirds of people with agoraphobia are women.
  • 10. Mysophobia: The fear of germs, dirt and other contaminants would put you in this category. Mysophobia can lead people to engage in extreme cleaning, compulsive hand-washing, and even avoidance of things or situations perceived as dirty.

2. Ready for the weekly dose of disgusting food items?

Gold medal: Many people actually enjoy lamb testicles, too. The dish is most often called “lamb fries,” probably to soften the impact a little bit. If you’re dying to try them out, they’re most popular in Kentucky. At least people are using every part of the lamb, right? It’s important to not be wasteful.

Silver medal: Clam pizza is actually popular at some outposts in New England. I’m guessing there is a reason this item has not made its way west. Word has it some of the bites can be a bit chewy.

Bronze medal: Ever hear of a Koolickle? Rumor has it was invented by a pregnant woman with weird cravings, but it was definitely invented in Mississippi. Koolickles are pickles brined in Kool-Aid. Pass the Pepto, please.

3. The next class of inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will be announced later this spring.

Normally, six or seven are chosen from the field of nominees, which number 14 this year. Here are my choices, in order of most deserving of induction:

  • 1. George Michael
  • 2. The Spinners
  • 3. Cyndi Lauper
  • 4. Sheryl Crow
  • 5. Willie Nelson
  • 6. Warren Zevon

Other nominees: Soundgarden, Kate Bush, Missy Elliott, Iron Maiden, Rage Against the Machine, A Tribe Called Quest, White Stripes, Joy Division/New Order.

Induction will be on a date to be announced this fall in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Steve Thought O’ The Day — I told the Little Woman we are never stopping to eat if we ever drive through Kentucky, Mississippi or anywhere in New England.

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. Everyone knows he cannot drive through an entire state without needing a snack.

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