HPD Blotter for Oct. 6, 2023

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2023-018085, 10/06/2023 @ 01:45:59, 271 Munger Ln 55, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Juvenile Problem 
  Officer Assigned 026 Bramlett, M C    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Ungovernable Juvenile 10/06/2023
       Victim Ungovernable Juvenile 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeJuvenile problem 271 Munger Ln. 

2023-018086, 10/06/2023 @ 05:00:47, 211 Dowling St A, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Hang Up 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
       Victim 911 Hang Up 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Suspect 911 Hang Up Administratively Closed 10/06/2023

        Public Narrative911 hang up call at 211 Dowling St Apt. A.

2023-018087, 10/06/2023 @ 08:07:37, 200 N 3Rd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Stray Animal 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint in the 200 block of N 3Rd St.

2023-018088, 10/06/2023 @ 08:26:10, Union St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Victim Dog At Large 10/06/2023
       Compl. Dog At Large 10/06/2023
       Suspect Dog At Large Administratively Closed 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeCaller reporting a dog at large on Union St.

2023-018089, 10/06/2023 @ 08:28:43, 613 Country Club Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Stray Animal 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint in the 600 block of Country Club Dr.

2023-018090, 10/06/2023 @ 08:42:28, 1801 Grace St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Mental 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Mental Cases-Other 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Involve Mental Cases-Other 10/06/2023
       Involve Mental Cases-Other 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeMental at 1801 Grace. 

2023-018091, 10/06/2023 @ 08:54:14, 3070 Holman Dr 22, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Information 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Involve Information 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 3070 Holman Dr.

2023-018092, 10/06/2023 @ 09:25:08, 207 Center St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Stray Animal 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint in the 200 block of Center St.

2023-018093, 10/06/2023 @ 09:37:00, Delaney Park , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Involve Stray Cats 10/06/2023
       Involve Stray Cats 10/06/2023
       Involve Stray Cats 10/06/2023
       Compl. Stray Cats 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint near Dulany Park. 

2023-018094, 10/06/2023 @ 10:12:19, 716 Pine St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 

        Public NarrativeInformation was reported at 716 Pine. 

2023-018095, 10/06/2023 @ 10:30:12, 1303 New London Gravel Rd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Civil Dispute 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Civil Dispute 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Civil Dispute 10/06/2023
       Involve Civil Dispute 10/06/2023
       Involve Civil Dispute 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeCivil distpute at 1303 New London Gravel Rd.

2023-018096, 10/06/2023 @ 10:35:14, 10th St Church St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Injury 
  Officer Assigned 018 Combs, J P    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
      Adult Female 
       Driver Accident Involving Injury 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Involve Accident Involving Injury 10/06/2023
       Involve Accident Involving Injury 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Driver Accident Involving Injury 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic crash with injury reported at Church and 10th.

2023-018097, 10/06/2023 @ 10:55:49, Huckleberry Park , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Huck 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeHuckleberry Park patrolled. 

2023-018098, 10/06/2023 @ 11:04:15, 1023 Reservoir St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Hang Up 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Male 
       Involve 911 Hang Up 10/06/2023
       Victim 911 Hang Up 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Suspect 911 Hang Up Administratively Closed 10/06/2023

        Public Narrative911 hang up at 1023 Resevoir. 

2023-018099, 10/06/2023 @ 11:24:08, Broadway S Hayden St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 

        Public NarrativeA check well being was reported at Broadway and S Hayden.

2023-018100, 10/06/2023 @ 11:29:54, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assist DFS 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
       Involve Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023
       Involve Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023
       Involve Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Parent Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Parent Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeAssist DFS at 3650 Stardust. 

2023-018101, 10/06/2023 @ 11:40:11, 6000 Hospital Drive , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Mental 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Mental Cases-Other 10/06/2023
       Compl. Mental Cases-Other 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeMental problem reported at 6000 Medical Dr.

2023-018102, 10/06/2023 @ 11:51:33, 2300 Hope St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Civil Dispute 
  Officer Assigned 018 Combs, J P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Civil Dispute 10/06/2023
       Compl. Civil Dispute 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeCivil dispute reported at 2300 Hope. 

2023-018103, 10/06/2023 @ 12:44:35, 100 N 11Th , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Harassment 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By 2492 Winningham, A L 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Harassment 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Involve Harassment 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Harassment 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Harassment 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeHarassment reported at 100 N 11Th St. 

2023-018104, 10/06/2023 @ 12:47:32, Riverview Park Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Riverview 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 2492 Winningham, A L 
       Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeRiverview Park patrolled. 

2023-018105, 10/06/2023 @ 13:12:29, Sodalis Park , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Sodalis 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeSodalis Park and the Bear Creek Trail patrolled.

2023-018106, 10/06/2023 @ 13:40:02, 204 S Griffith St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assist Agency 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 

        Public NarrativeAssist Agency at 204 S Griffith. 

2023-018107, 10/06/2023 @ 14:17:19, 2622 Rackliffe St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Information 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Involve Information 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Information 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 2622 Rackliffe St.

2023-018108, 10/06/2023 @ 14:49:47, Highway W Clover Rd, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Leave the Scene 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 

        Public NarrativeA leave the scene traffic crash was reported at Hwy W and Clover.

2023-018109, 10/06/2023 @ 15:05:44, 2109 Chestnut St A, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
       Compl. Check Well Being 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Involve Check Well Being 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeCheck well being at 2109 Chestnut. 

2023-018112, 10/06/2023 @ 15:28:16, 20 Hibiscus Ln , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Damage 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 

        Public NarrativeProperty damage reported at 20 Hibiscus Ln.

2023-018113, 10/06/2023 @ 15:37:03, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
       Victim- Poss: Cont. Substance 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       POI Theft Misd- Shoplifting 10/06/2023
       POI Trespass 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Trespass Cleared by Arrest-Adult 10/06/2023
       Suspect Theft Misd- Shoplifting Cleared by Arrest-Adult 10/06/2023
       Suspect Poss: Cont. Substance Cleared by Arrest-Adult 10/06/2023
       Compl. Theft Misd- Shoplifting 10/06/2023
       Victim Theft Misd- Shoplifting 10/06/2023
       Victim- Trespass 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeStealing reported at 3650 Stardust. 

2023-018114, 10/06/2023 @ 15:38:50, 144 Ledbetter Ln , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 018 Combs, J P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Information 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Information 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 144 Ledbetter Ln.

2023-018115, 10/06/2023 @ 16:06:29, 1 Ymca Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assault 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Assault 3rd Degree 10/06/2023
       Parent Assault 3rd Degree 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeAssault reported at 1 YMCA Dr. 

2023-018116, 10/06/2023 @ 16:17:41, 1701 35Th St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assist DFS 
  Officer Assigned 018 Combs, J P    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023
       Compl. Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeAssist DFS requested at 1701 35th St. 

2023-018117, 10/06/2023 @ 16:37:04, 320 Sunshine Terrace , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Vehicle 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 

        Public NarrativeA suspicious vehicle was reported in the 300 block of Sunshine Terrace.

2023-018118, 10/06/2023 @ 16:38:04, 146 Communications Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assist Agency 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By C47 Wallace, S B 
       Involve Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Involve Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023
       Involve Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeAssist agency at 146 Communications Dr.

2023-018119, 10/06/2023 @ 17:35:48, Market St Highway 61, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Hazard 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
       Compl. Traffic Hazard 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic hazard at Market and Highway 61.

2023-018120, 10/06/2023 @ 17:46:56, 1208 Mark Twain Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
       Victim Dog At Large 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Dog At Large 10/06/2023
       Suspect Dog At Large Administratively Closed 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal at large at 1208 Mark Twain Avenue.

2023-018121, 10/06/2023 @ 17:57:55, 146 Communications Dr CSU, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Mental 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 
       Involve Mental Cases-Other 10/06/2023
       Victim Mental Cases-Other 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Mental Cases-Other Administratively Closed 10/06/2023
       Compl. Mental Cases-Other 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeMental at 146 Communications Dr. 

2023-018122, 10/06/2023 @ 18:50:42, 202 Centerville Rd E54, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Noise Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C87 Arens, R N 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Peace Disturbance Administratively Closed 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Peace Disturbance 10/06/2023
       Victim- Peace Disturbance 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeNoise Complaint 202 Centerville Rd #54 

2023-018123, 10/06/2023 @ 18:54:27, 1701 35Th , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assist Other Agency 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C87 Arens, R N 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023
       Compl. Assist Other Agency 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeAssist agency was requested at 1701 35th St.

2023-018124, 10/06/2023 @ 19:18:27, 455 N Highway 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Overdose 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 
       Involve Assist Ambulance 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Assist Ambulance 10/06/2023
       Involve Assist Ambulance 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeOverdose 455 N US 61. 

2023-018125, 10/06/2023 @ 19:19:57, 615 N Hawkins Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Civil Dispute 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Civil Dispute 10/06/2023
      Adult Female 
       Involve Civil Dispute 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeCivil dispute was reported at 615 North Hawkins.

2023-018126, 10/06/2023 @ 19:42:21, 123 Huckleberry Hts Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Domestic Disturbance 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C87 Arens, R N 
       Compl. Domestic Assault 3rd Degree 10/06/2023
       Victim- Armed Criminal Action 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Witness Domestic Assault 3rd Degree 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Domestic Assault 3rd Degree Cleared by Arrest-Adult 10/06/2023
       Suspect Armed Criminal Action Cleared by Arrest-Adult 10/06/2023
      Adult Male 
       Victim Domestic Assault 3rd Degree 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeDomestic Disturbance 123 Huckleberry Hts Dr.

2023-018127, 10/06/2023 @ 20:51:32, Industrial Valley Park Rd Market St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Motorist Assist 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C87 Arens, R N 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Motorist Assist 10/06/2023
       Compl. Motorist Assist 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeMotorist assist was requested on Industrial Valley Park Rd. near Market St.

2023-018128, 10/06/2023 @ 22:05:35, Market St Hatch, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Motorist Assist 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
       Involve Motorist Assist 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeMotorist Assist Market St / Hatch Ave. 

2023-018129, 10/06/2023 @ 22:37:32, Mo 79 Walnut, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
      Adult Male 
       Driver 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop MO 79 / Walnut for defective headlights. The driver was issued a warning for defective lights.

2023-018130, 10/06/2023 @ 22:39:08, N 7Th Center, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
      Adult Male 
       Driver 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop at North 7th and Center for a stop sign violation. Driver was issued a citation.

2023-018131, 10/06/2023 @ 22:47:52, S Main St Warren Barrett, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Citizen Contact 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
      Adult Female 
       Contact Community Contacts 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeCitizen Contact S Main St / Warren Barrett Dr.

2023-018132, 10/06/2023 @ 23:25:41, Broadway Richmond, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
      Adult Female 
       Driver 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop Broadway / Richmond St for expired plates. The driver was issued a warning.

2023-018133, 10/06/2023 @ 23:53:08, Grand Ave Stuart St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Citizen Contact 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
       Contact Community Contacts 10/06/2023

        Public NarrativeCitizen Contact Grand Ave / Stuart St. 

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