HPD Blotter for Aug. 30, 2023

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2023-015544, 08/30/2023 @ 02:11:18, 135 Communications Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
       Involve Information 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Involve Refuse Disposal 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Information 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation was reported at 135 Communications Dr, Harold and Louise Assisted Living.

2023-015545, 08/30/2023 @ 03:17:55, US 36 Shinn Ln, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Check Well Being 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Check Well Being 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeCheck well being requested on US 36. 

2023-015546, 08/30/2023 @ 07:14:06, 1200 Country Club Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
       Victim Motor Vehicle Theft 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Motor Vehicle Theft 08/30/2023
       Suspect Motor Vehicle Theft Pending Investigation 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeStealing reported at 1200 Country Club Dr.

2023-015547, 08/30/2023 @ 07:19:33, 249 N Hawkins Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
       Victim Dog At Large 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Dog At Large 08/30/2023
       Suspect Dog At Large Administratively Closed 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeDog at large on N. Hawkins Ave. 

2023-015548, 08/30/2023 @ 07:46:01, , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 2492 Winningham, A L 

2023-015549, 08/30/2023 @ 07:51:50, Market St Hope, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 018 Combs, J P    Entered By C47 Wallace, S B 
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Speeding 1-9 mph over Written Warning 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop for speed in chool zone. Driver issued a warning and released.

2023-015550, 08/30/2023 @ 07:53:43, 521 Rock St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Domestic Disturbance 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
       Contact Domestic Assault 3rd Degree 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Contact Domestic Assault 3rd Degree 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Domestic Assault 3rd Degree 08/30/2023
       Suspect Domestic Assault 3rd Degree Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023
       Victim Domestic Assault 3rd Degree 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Domestic Assault 3rd Degree Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023
       Victim Domestic Assault 3rd Degree 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeDomestic disturbance reported at 521 Rock St.

2023-015551, 08/30/2023 @ 08:04:35, , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 2492 Winningham, A L 

2023-015552, 08/30/2023 @ 08:31:43, 11513 Romig Place 28, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 028 Traw, W J    Entered By 006 Grote, J A 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeCheck well being requested on Romig Place.

2023-015553, 08/30/2023 @ 08:41:00, Huckleberry Park , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Huck 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeHuckleberry Park patrolled. 

2023-015554, 08/30/2023 @ 08:49:43, 606 John St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Death Investigation 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C47 Wallace, S B 
      Adult Male 
       Involve 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeDeath investigation conducted at 606 John St.

2023-015555, 08/30/2023 @ 08:54:32, 716 Clinic Rd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Stray Animal 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint on Clinic Rd. 

2023-015556, 08/30/2023 @ 09:10:38, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Theft Misd- Theft from Building 08/30/2023
       Victim Theft Misd- Theft from Building 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Assoc. Theft Misd- Theft from Building 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Theft Misd- Theft from Building Pending Investigation 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Involve Theft Misd- Theft from Building 08/30/2023
       Suspect Theft Misd- Theft from Building Pending Investigation 08/30/2023
       Victim Theft Misd- Theft from Building 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeStealing information reported 777 Broadway.

2023-015557, 08/30/2023 @ 09:17:17, 2606 Chestnut St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Information 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Involve Information 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Contact Information 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 2606 Chestnut St.

2023-015558, 08/30/2023 @ 09:21:03, 1814 Valley St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 018 Combs, J P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Theft Misd- Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories 08/30/2023
       Suspect Theft Misd- Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories Administratively Closed 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeStealing Delayed reported 1814 Valley St.

2023-015559, 08/30/2023 @ 09:44:58, Riverfront , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Security Sweep 
  Officer Assigned 018 Combs, J P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Compl. Information 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeSecurity Sweep requested at the riverfront.

2023-015560, 08/30/2023 @ 09:51:32, 414 N 8Th , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Maintenance 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Nuisance Weeds Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023
       Victim Nuisance Weeds 08/30/2023
       Compl. Nuisance Weeds 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeProperty maintenance violations in the 400 block of N 8Th St.

2023-015561, 08/30/2023 @ 09:56:56, 494 Munger Ln 12, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Auto Theft 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Involve Tampering First 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Tampering First 08/30/2023
       Contact Tampering First 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Owner Tampering First 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeAuto Theft reported at 494 Munger Ln. 

2023-015562, 08/30/2023 @ 10:03:44, 1635 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Assist Other Agency 08/30/2023
       Compl. Assist Other Agency 08/30/2023
       Involve Assist Other Agency 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeAssist agency requested at 1635 Broadway.

2023-015563, 08/30/2023 @ 10:22:35, 6 Diamond Blvd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
       Compl. Information 08/30/2023
       Involve Information 08/30/2023
       Parent Information 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeDisturbance at 6 Diamond Blvd. 

2023-015564, 08/30/2023 @ 10:39:09, 1000 Center St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Compl. Information 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation at 1000 Center St. 

2023-015565, 08/30/2023 @ 10:52:43, Bird St Stillwell Pl, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Parking Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Victim Parking Improperly 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Parking Improperly 08/30/2023
       Suspect Parking Improperly Administratively Closed 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeParking complaint reported on Bird St near Stillwell Pl.

2023-015566, 08/30/2023 @ 11:25:42, 6000 Hospital Drive , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – In Progress 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Information 08/30/2023
       Involve Information 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeDisturbance reported at 6000 Hospital Dr.

2023-015567, 08/30/2023 @ 11:29:28, 6000 Hospital Drive ER Lobby, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint VOID 
  Officer Assigned CAD CAD Report    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 

        Public Narrativevoid 

2023-015568, 08/30/2023 @ 11:59:40, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Warrant 
  Officer Assigned 003 Grote, J M    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Information 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation 

2023-015569, 08/30/2023 @ 12:08:59, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Ean Holdings LLC was photographed running a red light.

2023-015570, 08/30/2023 @ 12:15:24, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Ameer Transportaiton LLC was photographed running a red light.

2023-015571, 08/30/2023 @ 12:17:16, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to American Glass & Overhead Door was photographed running a red light.

2023-015572, 08/30/2023 @ 12:19:06, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Walden Bros Auto Sales Co Inc was photographed running a red light.

2023-015573, 08/30/2023 @ 12:21:06, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Hertz Vehicles LLC was photographed running a red light.

2023-015574, 08/30/2023 @ 12:24:33, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Ean Holdings LLC was photographed running a red light.

2023-015575, 08/30/2023 @ 12:26:34, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Blue Equipment Company was photographed running a red light.

2023-015576, 08/30/2023 @ 12:29:37, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Load Monster Inc was photographed running a red light.

2023-015577, 08/30/2023 @ 12:31:54, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Hertz Vehicles LLC was photographed running a red light.

2023-015578, 08/30/2023 @ 12:34:35, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Isringhausen Imports was photographed running a red light.

2023-015579, 08/30/2023 @ 12:37:09, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2023-015580, 08/30/2023 @ 12:37:37, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2023-015581, 08/30/2023 @ 12:38:03, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2023-015582, 08/30/2023 @ 12:38:30, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2023-015583, 08/30/2023 @ 12:38:58, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2023-015584, 08/30/2023 @ 12:39:32, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2023-015585, 08/30/2023 @ 13:10:01, 521 Rock St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assist Other Agency 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Assist Other Agency 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Involve Assist Other Agency 08/30/2023
       Involve Assist Other Agency 08/30/2023
       Compl. Assist Other Agency 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeAssist Other Agency reported at 521 Rock Street.

2023-015586, 08/30/2023 @ 13:25:52, , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 2492 Winningham, A L 

2023-015587, 08/30/2023 @ 13:31:03, 420 Edwards St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Dog At Large 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Dog At Large Pending Investigation 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeDog at large on Edwards St. 

2023-015588, 08/30/2023 @ 13:42:53, Hwy 168 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 018 Combs, J P    Entered By 018 Combs, J P 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Reckless Driving Pending Investigation 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Reckless Driving 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic complaint reported on Hwy 168. 

2023-015589, 08/30/2023 @ 13:51:47, 201 Quincy St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Person 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Suspicious Person 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Suspicious Person 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeSuspicious person reported at 201 Quincy.

2023-015590, 08/30/2023 @ 14:05:04, Martin St Fulton Ave, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Hazard 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 

2023-015591, 08/30/2023 @ 14:20:29, 100 Medical Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Hang Up 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
       Compl. 911 Hang Up 08/30/2023
       Victim 911 Hang Up 08/30/2023
       Suspect 911 Hang Up Administratively Closed 08/30/2023

        Public Narrative911 hang up reported at 100 Medical Dr.

2023-015592, 08/30/2023 @ 14:27:06, 6000 Hospital Drive , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C47 Wallace, S B 
       Compl. Check Well Being 08/30/2023
       Involve Check Well Being 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeCheck well being requested at 6000 Hospital Dr.

2023-015593, 08/30/2023 @ 14:31:21, Center St 10th, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Dog At Large Pending Investigation 08/30/2023
       Victim Dog At Large 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Dog At Large 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeDog at Large. 

2023-015594, 08/30/2023 @ 14:33:32, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Information 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Involve Information 08/30/2023
       Compl. Information 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 777 Broadway. 

2023-015595, 08/30/2023 @ 14:41:25, 3650 Stardust Dr AP Office, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Theft Misd- Shoplifting Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Involve Theft Misd- Shoplifting 08/30/2023
       Victim Theft Misd- Shoplifting 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Theft Misd- Shoplifting 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeStealing reported at 3650 Stardust Dr. 

2023-015596, 08/30/2023 @ 14:45:52, 2126 Hope St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint in the 2100 block of Hope St.

2023-015597, 08/30/2023 @ 14:48:06, 4141 Deer Run Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By 030 Mathews, V W 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Information 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 4141 Deer Run Dr.

2023-015598, 08/30/2023 @ 14:50:11, 116 Grand Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Maintenance 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Public Nuisance Pending Investigation 08/30/2023
       Victim Public Nuisance 08/30/2023
       Compl. Public Nuisance 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeProperty Maintenance. 

2023-015599, 08/30/2023 @ 15:53:58, 1 Shawnee Trl , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Check Well Being 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Involve Check Well Being 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Involve Check Well Being 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeCheck well being at 1 Shawnee Trl. 

2023-015600, 08/30/2023 @ 15:57:16, 312 Church St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Maintenance 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 

        Public NarrativeProperty Maintenance. 

2023-015601, 08/30/2023 @ 15:59:49, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 042 Windland, C C    Entered By 042 Windland, C C 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photograpjed running a red light.

2023-015602, 08/30/2023 @ 16:26:24, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Information 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Information 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 777 Broadway. 

2023-015603, 08/30/2023 @ 17:03:47, 2924 Market St 5, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 044 Flachs, J P    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Male 
       Involve 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeStealing reported at 2924 Market Apt 5.

2023-015604, 08/30/2023 @ 17:15:21, 920 Country Club Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeDog at Large. 

2023-015605, 08/30/2023 @ 17:24:19, 1238 Lyon St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Parking Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 026 Bramlett, M C    Entered By C85 Venker, M S 
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Parking Improperly Verbal Warning 08/30/2023
       Victim Parking Improperly 08/30/2023
       Compl. Parking Improperly 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeParking complaint 1238 Lyon St. 

2023-015606, 08/30/2023 @ 17:53:19, 300 Magnolia Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 

        Public NarrativeDog at Large. 

2023-015607, 08/30/2023 @ 17:54:51, 3404 W Ely , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Surrender 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 
      Adult Female 
       Contact Animal Surrendered 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal Surrender. 

2023-015608, 08/30/2023 @ 18:13:01, 211 Rock St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 035 Tripp, A M    Entered By C87 Arens, R N 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Stray Animal 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint in the 200 block of Rock St.

2023-015609, 08/30/2023 @ 18:16:39, 3533 Market St A, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Found/Lost Item 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C87 Arens, R N 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Found Articles 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Owner Found Articles 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Owner Found Articles 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeFound item at 3533 Market St apt A. 

2023-015610, 08/30/2023 @ 18:35:30, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Private Property 
  Officer Assigned 026 Bramlett, M C    Entered By C87 Arens, R N 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Accident Leave Scene 08/30/2023
       Victim Accident Leave Scene 08/30/2023
       Suspect Accident Leave Scene Unfounded 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic crash – private property 3650 Stardust.

2023-015611, 08/30/2023 @ 18:44:56, 3500 Market St Blk, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Damage 
  Officer Assigned 029 Wilt, M E    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Property Damage 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Property Damage Pending Investigation 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Victim Property Damage 08/30/2023
       Witness Property Damage 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeProperty damage reported in the 3500 block of Market.

2023-015612, 08/30/2023 @ 18:49:02, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Exparte Violation 
  Officer Assigned 029 Wilt, M E    Entered By C87 Arens, R N 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Viol. Of Order Of Protect Referred to Respective Ju 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Viol. Of Order Of Protect 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeGabryelle Baker reported an ex-parte violation. Violation was found to have occurred outside HPD jurisdiction.

2023-015613, 08/30/2023 @ 20:04:47, 2625 Marsh Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Juvenile Problem 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 
       Involve Ungovernable Juvenile 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Ungovernable Juvenile 08/30/2023
       Victim Ungovernable Juvenile 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeJuvenile problem at 2625 Marsh Ave. 

2023-015614, 08/30/2023 @ 20:06:20, Broadway Richmond, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 026 Bramlett, M C    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
      Adult Female 
       Suspect 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop Broadway near Richmond. Driver issued warning for imporperly displayed license plate.

2023-015615, 08/30/2023 @ 20:39:04, Union St Peyton St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 026 Bramlett, M C    Entered By C87 Arens, R N 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Reckless Driving 08/30/2023
       Victim Reckless Driving 08/30/2023
       Suspect Reckless Driving Unfounded 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic complaint Union St near Peyton St.

2023-015616, 08/30/2023 @ 20:58:58, 1424 Union St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Domestic Disturbance 
  Officer Assigned 029 Wilt, M E    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
      Adult Male 
       Assoc. Domestic (No Crime) 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Assoc. Domestic (No Crime) 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Domestic (No Crime) 08/30/2023
       Assoc. 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeDomestic reported at 1424 Union. 

2023-015617, 08/30/2023 @ 21:27:23, 2619 St Marys Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C87 Arens, R N 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Peace Disturbance 08/30/2023
       Victim- Peace Disturbance 08/30/2023
       Suspect Peace Disturbance Pending Investigation 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativePeace disturbance at 2619 St Marys Ave.

2023-015618, 08/30/2023 @ 21:32:10, Hwy 79 Fairview, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 029 Wilt, M E    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Poss: Cont. Substance Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023
       Suspect DWI: Alcohol/Drugs Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Assoc. 01/01/0001
      Adult Male 
       Assoc. 01/01/0001

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop for lane use. Driver arrested for DWI and felony possession.

2023-015619, 08/30/2023 @ 21:37:14, 706 Birch St A, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 029 Wilt, M E    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Civil Dispute 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 706 Birch. 

2023-015620, 08/30/2023 @ 22:15:28, 1924 Booker St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 026 Bramlett, M C    Entered By C87 Arens, R N 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Civil Dispute 08/30/2023
      Adult Male 
       Involve Civil Dispute 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation 1924 Booker St. 

2023-015621, 08/30/2023 @ 22:48:46, 1424 Union St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 026 Bramlett, M C    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Check Well Being 08/30/2023
      Adult Female 
       Involve Check Well Being 08/30/2023
       Involve Suicide Att-By Drugs 08/30/2023

        Public NarrativeCheck well being 1424 Union St. 

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