HPD Blotter for Aug. 5, 2023

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2023-013952, 08/05/2023 @ 00:05:54, 1624 Fulton Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assist EMS 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 
Adult Male 
Involve Assist Ambulance 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeAssist EMS was reported at 1624 Fulton Ave.

2023-013953, 08/05/2023 @ 00:56:38, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Injury 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By C75 Hunt, T M 
Adult Female 
Involve 08/05/2023
Involve 08/05/2023
Adult Female 
Suspect DWI: Alcohol/Drugs Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/05/2023
Suspect Poss Liquor as Minor Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/05/2023
Suspect False Report of Crime Pending Investigation 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic crash reported at 3650 Stardust Dr.

2023-013954, 08/05/2023 @ 00:58:28, 100 Shinn Ln , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Person 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 
Adult Female 
Contact Suspicious Person 08/05/2023
Involve Suspicious Person 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeSuspicious person was reported at 100 Shinn Ln.

2023-013955, 08/05/2023 @ 03:59:14, Main St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Citizen Contact 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 
Adult Male 
Compl. 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeA citizen contact was done at Main St. 

2023-013956, 08/05/2023 @ 06:45:12, 4012 Green Meadows Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Domestic Disturbance 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
Adult Female 
Compl. 08/04/2023
Adult Male 
Involve 08/04/2023

        Public NarrativeDomestic reported at 4012 Green Meadows Drive.

2023-013957, 08/05/2023 @ 07:37:33, Broadway N 11th St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Adult Male 
Involve 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop at Broadway and N 11th. A warning was issued for speed.

2023-013958, 08/05/2023 @ 07:52:39, Shepherd Pl Bradley, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Barking Dog 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Victim Barking Dogs 08/05/2023
Adult Male 
Suspect Barking Dogs Verbal Warning 08/05/2023
Compl. Barking Dogs 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeBarking dog on Shepherd Pl. 

2023-013959, 08/05/2023 @ 08:09:08, Huckleberry Park , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Huck 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeHuckleberry park Patrol 

2023-013960, 08/05/2023 @ 08:30:06, Riverview Park Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Riverview 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeRiverview Park Patrol 

2023-013961, 08/05/2023 @ 08:34:34, 703 Walnut St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Male 
Compl. Dog At Large 08/05/2023
Victim Dog At Large 08/05/2023
Adult Female 
Suspect Dog At Large Verbal Warning 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeDog at large on Walnut St. 

2023-013962, 08/05/2023 @ 09:20:10, South Side Rec , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Illegal Dumping 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 

        Public NarrativeIllegal dumping at Southside Rec. 

2023-013963, 08/05/2023 @ 09:35:10, Chestnut St S Levering St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Adult Male 
Suspect Drive While Susp/Revoked Cleared by Arrest-Adult 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop at Chestnut and S Levering. The driver was issued multiple citations and arrested for driving while revoked.

2023-013964, 08/05/2023 @ 09:39:01, St Marys Ave James Rd, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 019 Douglas, J E    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop for Failure to Yield at St Marys Ave and James Rd, driver issued a citation.

2023-013965, 08/05/2023 @ 09:55:42, 132 Jupiter Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Damage 
  Officer Assigned 019 Douglas, J E    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Female 
Involve Property Damage 08/05/2023
Assoc. 08/05/2023
Adult Female 
Compl. Property Damage 08/05/2023
Victim Property Damage 08/05/2023
Assoc. 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeProperty Damage reported at 132 Jupitar Dr.

2023-013966, 08/05/2023 @ 10:13:39, 707 Cedar Creek , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Female 
Compl. Sick/Injured Animal 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint at Cedar Creek. 

2023-013967, 08/05/2023 @ 10:17:41, St Marys Ave James Rd, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Domestic Disturbance 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
Adult Female 
Involve 08/05/2023
Adult Female 
Compl. 08/05/2023
Adult Male 
Involve 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeDomestic reported at St Marys and James.

2023-013968, 08/05/2023 @ 10:18:23, 1400 Fulton Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Abandoned Vehicle 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 

        Public NarrativeAbandoned vehicle reported at 1400 Fulton Avenue

2023-013969, 08/05/2023 @ 10:47:54, 1111 Broadway Holy Family, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Escort 
  Officer Assigned 019 Douglas, J E    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Direct Traffic/Escort 08/05/2023
Involve Direct Traffic/Escort 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeEscort requested at 1111 Broadway. 

2023-013970, 08/05/2023 @ 11:05:24, 4030 Overhill Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suicidal Subject 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Adult Male 
Involve 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeSuicidal Subject reported at 4030 Overhill Drive.

2023-013971, 08/05/2023 @ 11:18:16, 4809 McMasters Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Victim No City Dog License/Tag 08/05/2023
Victim Tethering 08/05/2023
Adult Female 
Assoc. No City Dog License/Tag 08/05/2023
Compl. No City Dog License/Tag 08/05/2023
Adult Male 
Suspect Tethering Verbal Warning 08/05/2023
Suspect No City Dog License/Tag Pending Investigation 08/05/2023
Compl. Tethering 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint in the near Burger King.

2023-013972, 08/05/2023 @ 11:30:45, 204 Edwards St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
Adult Male 
Compl. 08/05/2023
Adult Male 
POI 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeDisturbance reported at 204 Edwards street.

2023-013973, 08/05/2023 @ 11:44:37, 25 Settlers Trl , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assist Agency 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Adult Female 
Involve Assist Other Agency 08/05/2023
Compl. Assist Other Agency 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeAn assist agency was reported at 25 Settlers Trl.

2023-013974, 08/05/2023 @ 11:53:33, 2000 US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 019 Douglas, J E    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
Adult Male 
Involve Information 08/05/2023
Adult Female 
Compl. Information 08/05/2023
Involve Information 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 2000 S US 61. 

2023-013975, 08/05/2023 @ 12:30:23, Sodalis Trail , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Sodalis 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeSodalis Park and the Bear Creek Trail patrolled.

2023-013976, 08/05/2023 @ 12:44:46, 200 Steamboat Bend , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Misdial 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
Adult Male 
Involve 08/05/2023

        Public Narrative911 Misdial reported at 200 Steamboat bend.

2023-013977, 08/05/2023 @ 12:47:52, 115 S Main St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – In Progress 
  Officer Assigned 019 Douglas, J E    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
Adult Female 
Compl. Peace Disturbance 08/05/2023
Involve Peace Disturbance 08/05/2023
Adult Female 
Involve Peace Disturbance 08/05/2023
Involve Drunkenness/Certain Place 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeDisturbance- In Progress reported at 115 S Main St

2023-013978, 08/05/2023 @ 15:17:00, 115 N Main St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Leave the Scene 
  Officer Assigned 019 Douglas, J E    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
Adult Male 
Compl. Accident Non-Injury 08/05/2023
Witness Accident Non-Injury 08/05/2023
Adult Male 
Driver Accident Non-Injury 08/05/2023
Adult Male 
Owner Accident Non-Injury 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic Crash-Non Injury reported at 115 N Main St.

2023-013979, 08/05/2023 @ 15:59:54, 1424 Union St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
Adult Male 
Compl. 08/05/2023
Adult Female 
Compl. 08/05/2023
Adult Male 
Involve 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal at Large reported at 1424 Union Street.

2023-013980, 08/05/2023 @ 17:33:07, 3650 Stardust Dr Row 9, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Private Property 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
Adult Female 
Owner Accident Private Property 08/05/2023
Involve Accident Private Property 08/05/2023
Adult Male 
Compl. Accident Private Property 08/05/2023
Driver Accident Private Property 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic crash private property reported on Stardust Dr.

2023-013981, 08/05/2023 @ 17:39:07, 2501 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Open Line 
  Officer Assigned 019 Douglas, J E    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
Compl. 911 Open Line 08/05/2023
Victim 911 Open Line 08/05/2023
Adult Female 
Suspect 911 Hang Up Administratively Closed 08/05/2023

        Public Narrative911 Open Line reported at 2501 Broadway

2023-013982, 08/05/2023 @ 17:43:41, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Adult Male 
Compl. Theft Misd- Shoplifting 08/05/2023
Victim Theft Misd- Shoplifting 08/05/2023
Suspect Theft Misd- Shoplifting Pending Investigation 08/05/2023
Suspect Theft Misd- Shoplifting Pending Investigation 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeDelayed stealing was reported at 3650 Stardust Dr.

2023-013983, 08/05/2023 @ 17:44:10, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Compl. Theft Misd- Shoplifting 08/05/2023
Victim Theft Misd- Shoplifting 08/05/2023
Suspect Theft Misd- Shoplifting Unfounded 08/05/2023
Suspect Theft Misd- Shoplifting Unfounded 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeStealing delayed was reported at 3650 Stardust Dr.

2023-013984, 08/05/2023 @ 17:44:48, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Trespass Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Adult Male 
Compl. Trespass 08/05/2023
Adult Female 
Suspect Trespass Pending Investigation 08/05/2023
Victim Trespass 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeTrespass delayed was reported at 3650 Stardust Dr.

2023-013985, 08/05/2023 @ 18:34:34, 2005 Chestnut St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Hang Up 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
Compl. 911 Hang Up 08/05/2023
Adult Male 
Involve 911 Hang Up 08/05/2023

        Public Narrative911 Hang Up at 2005 Chestnut. 

2023-013986, 08/05/2023 @ 18:43:12, 188 Medical Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Alarm – Burglar 
  Officer Assigned 035 Tripp, A M    Entered By C75 Hunt, T M 
Involve False Alarm 08/05/2023
Compl. False Alarm 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeAn alarm was reported at 188 Medical Drive.

2023-013987, 08/05/2023 @ 19:14:12, Geronimo Ave Cache St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Adult Female 
Suspect 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop at Geronimo and Cache for Fail to Register. Driver issued a warning and released.

2023-013988, 08/05/2023 @ 20:38:36, 30Th Railroad Tracks, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Fireworks 
  Officer Assigned 035 Tripp, A M    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
Adult Female 
Compl. Fireworks-Dischg/Sale 08/05/2023
Involve Fireworks-Dischg/Sale 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeFireworks reported on 30th south of Market.

2023-013989, 08/05/2023 @ 20:49:21, Broadway Virginia St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
Adult Female 
Compl. Dog At Large 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeAnimal At Large at Broadway and Virginia.

2023-013990, 08/05/2023 @ 21:48:13, 4th Broadway, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop at 4th and Broadway for Fail to Use Turn Signal. Driver issued multiple warnings and multiple citations.

2023-013991, 08/05/2023 @ 22:10:57, 7th Center St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Adult Male 
Suspect 08/05/2023
Adult Male 
Suspect 08/05/2023

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop at 7th and Center for Fail to Stop. Driver issued a warning for Fail to Stop and a citation for No Proof of Insurance.

2023-013992, 08/05/2023 @ 23:24:07, Highway 36 Munger Ln, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop for Speed at US-36 and Munger Lane. Driver issued a citation and released.

2023-013994, 08/05/2023 @ 23:46:44, Highway 36 Munger Lane, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop at US-36 and Munger Lane for Speed. Driver issued a citation and released. JH40

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