HPD Blotter for Nov. 8, 2022

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2022-020595, 11/07/2022 @ 06:25:30, US 36 Veterans Rd, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Non-Injury 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
       Contact Accident Non-Injury 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Driver Accident Non-Injury 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeNon-injury traffic crash on US-36 near Veterans Rd.

2022-020596, 11/07/2022 @ 06:50:47, 2226 Chestnut St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Civil Dispute 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Civil Dispute 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Involve Civil Dispute 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Involve Civil Dispute 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeCivil dispute reported at 2226 Chestnut St.

2022-020597, 11/07/2022 @ 08:03:42, Grand Ave Lyon, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Involve Dead Animal 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Dead Animal 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint on Grand Ave. 

2022-020598, 11/07/2022 @ 08:04:31, Huckleberry Park , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Huck 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeHuckleberry Park Patrol 

2022-020599, 11/07/2022 @ 08:11:55, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Information 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Information 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation was reported at 777 Broadway.

2022-020600, 11/07/2022 @ 08:20:50, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Compl. Information 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 777 Broadway. 

2022-020601, 11/07/2022 @ 08:53:21, 2642 Market St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Extra Patrol 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C49 Heimer, C D 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Extra Patrol-Business 11/07/2022
       Involve Extra Patrol-Business 11/07/2022
       Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeExtra patrol requested at 2642 Market St.

2022-020602, 11/07/2022 @ 08:56:42, 2832 Market St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 046 McAdams, J C    Entered By 046 McAdams, J C 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Information 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Information 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 2832 Market. 

2022-020603, 11/07/2022 @ 09:07:57, 3807 Tilden St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Maintenance 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Public Nuisance Pending Investigation 11/07/2022
       Victim Public Nuisance 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Public Nuisance 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeProperty maintenance violations on Tilden St.

2022-020604, 11/07/2022 @ 09:23:06, 3804 Tilden St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Maintenance 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Public Nuisance Pending Investigation 11/07/2022
       Victim Public Nuisance 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Public Nuisance 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeProperty maintenance violations on Tilden St.

2022-020605, 11/07/2022 @ 09:39:08, Highway 79 Spring St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 045 Bergman, C M    Entered By C52 Holley, B P 
      Adult Male 
       Driver 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop at HWY 79 / Spring st for speed. Driver released with a citation for speed and no proof of insurance.

2022-020606, 11/07/2022 @ 09:57:51, 2002 Hope St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Neglect 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Animal Neglect Pending Investigation 11/07/2022
       Victim Animal Neglect 11/07/2022
       Compl. Animal Neglect 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeAnimal neglect was reported at 2002 Hope St.

2022-020607, 11/07/2022 @ 10:14:05, 2002 Hope St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Maintenance 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Public Nuisance Pending Investigation 11/07/2022
       Suspect Abandonment of Motor Veh Pending Investigation 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Involve Public Nuisance 11/07/2022
       Victim Public Nuisance 11/07/2022
       Victim Abandonment of Motor Veh 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Public Nuisance 11/07/2022
       Compl. Abandonment of Motor Veh 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeProperty maintenance violations on Hope St.

2022-020608, 11/07/2022 @ 10:32:56, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Information 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Information 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 777 Broadway 

2022-020609, 11/07/2022 @ 11:47:10, Riverview Park Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Riverview 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeRiverview Park Patrol 

2022-020610, 11/07/2022 @ 11:56:21, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Citizen Contact 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C49 Heimer, C D 

        Public NarrativeCitizen contact made at 3650 Stardust Dr.

2022-020611, 11/07/2022 @ 11:58:20, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2022-020612, 11/07/2022 @ 12:09:45, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2022-020613, 11/07/2022 @ 12:13:10, 909 Church St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Loud Music 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Loud Music 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Loud Music 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeLoud music reported at 909 Church St. 

2022-020614, 11/07/2022 @ 12:16:56, Broadway Division, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Injury 
  Officer Assigned 045 Bergman, C M    Entered By C52 Holley, B P 
      Adult Male 
       Involve 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Involve 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Compl. 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic Crash – Injury reported at Broadway / Division St.

2022-020615, 11/07/2022 @ 12:41:23, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Dry Air Restoration Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020616, 11/07/2022 @ 12:43:00, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Ryder Truck Rental Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020617, 11/07/2022 @ 12:45:13, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Lodestar Leasing Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020618, 11/07/2022 @ 13:12:52, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Ean Holdings LLC was photographed running a red light

2022-020619, 11/07/2022 @ 13:16:22, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to MMZ Transport LLC was photographed running a red light.

2022-020620, 11/07/2022 @ 13:18:46, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2022-020621, 11/07/2022 @ 13:20:51, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Justman Freight Lines Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020622, 11/07/2022 @ 13:23:00, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Price Industrail Electric was photographed running a red light.

2022-020623, 11/07/2022 @ 13:25:24, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Zehendner Disaster Relief was photographed running a red light.

2022-020624, 11/07/2022 @ 13:25:30, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2022-020625, 11/07/2022 @ 13:30:25, 1219 Center St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Burglary 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Burglary Second Pending Investigation 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Burglary Second 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Victim Burglary Second 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeBurglary was reported at 1219 Center St.

2022-020626, 11/07/2022 @ 13:31:47, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Information 11/07/2022
       Compl. Information 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation was reported at 777 Broadway.

2022-020627, 11/07/2022 @ 13:32:33, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to The Hertz Corporation was photographed running a red light.

2022-020628, 11/07/2022 @ 13:34:38, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to New Prime Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020629, 11/07/2022 @ 13:36:30, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Ean Holdings LLC was photographed running a red light.

2022-020630, 11/07/2022 @ 13:37:12, N 7Th Bird St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Hazard 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Compl. Traffic Hazard 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic hazard was reported at N 7th and Bird St.

2022-020631, 11/07/2022 @ 13:38:16, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Tri State Timber Transport LLC was photographed running a red light.

2022-020632, 11/07/2022 @ 13:40:03, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Coastal Carriers Truck Lines LLC was photographed running a red light.

2022-020633, 11/07/2022 @ 13:40:45, 5 Diamond Blvd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Alarm – Panic/Hold Up 
  Officer Assigned 016 Fredrick, J A    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
      Adult Male 
       Contact False Alarm 11/07/2022
       Compl. False Alarm 11/07/2022
       Involve False Alarm 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeAlarm was reported at 5 Diamond Blvd. 

2022-020634, 11/07/2022 @ 13:48:20, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Allergan USA Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020635, 11/07/2022 @ 13:50:14, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Kunes Country Hyundai of Quincy Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020636, 11/07/2022 @ 13:50:37, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Transwood Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020637, 11/07/2022 @ 13:52:25, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Indian Hills Community College was photographed running a red light.

2022-020638, 11/07/2022 @ 13:54:23, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Two Lions Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020639, 11/07/2022 @ 13:56:45, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Chrisenberry Trucking LLC was photographed running a red light.

2022-020640, 11/07/2022 @ 13:59:27, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Reload Transport Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020641, 11/07/2022 @ 14:00:06, 1217 Center St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Burglary 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C49 Heimer, C D 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Burglary Second Pending Investigation 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Burglary Second 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Victim Burglary Second 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeBurglary reported at 1217 Center St. 

2022-020642, 11/07/2022 @ 14:03:08, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Transwood Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020643, 11/07/2022 @ 14:05:19, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to LRM Leasing Comp Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020644, 11/07/2022 @ 14:06:37, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2022-020645, 11/07/2022 @ 14:08:07, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint VOID 
  Officer Assigned CAD CAD Report    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 

        Public NarrativeFound item was reported at 777 Broadway.

2022-020646, 11/07/2022 @ 14:13:04, 125 N Main St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 024 Mulheron, R M    Entered By 024 Mulheron, R M 
       Involve Liquor License 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 125 N. Main. 

2022-020647, 11/07/2022 @ 14:13:50, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Doug Collins LLC was photographed running a red light.

2022-020648, 11/07/2022 @ 14:17:11, 2002 Warren Barrett Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Warrant 
  Officer Assigned 016 Fredrick, J A    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
       Compl. Warrant-In State 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Involve Warrant-In State 11/07/2022
       Involve Warrant-In State 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeWarrant was reported at 2002 Warren Barrett Dr.

2022-020649, 11/07/2022 @ 14:17:44, 302 S 5Th , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Escort 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
       Compl. Direct Traffic/Escort 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeEscort was reported at 302 S 5th. 

2022-020650, 11/07/2022 @ 14:19:03, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Two Rivers Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020651, 11/07/2022 @ 14:22:18, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Future Star Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020652, 11/07/2022 @ 14:25:30, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle regsitered to Transwood Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020653, 11/07/2022 @ 14:28:19, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Transwood Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020654, 11/07/2022 @ 14:29:15, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2022-020655, 11/07/2022 @ 14:31:59, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Riverside Transportation Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020656, 11/07/2022 @ 14:34:08, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Auto Driveway Co Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020657, 11/07/2022 @ 14:36:46, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Nastar Transportation LLC was photographed running a red light.

2022-020658, 11/07/2022 @ 14:40:25, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2022-020659, 11/07/2022 @ 14:41:02, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Arch Material Handling was photographed running a red light.

2022-020660, 11/07/2022 @ 14:43:32, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Melton Truck Lines Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020661, 11/07/2022 @ 14:46:05, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle regsitered to Braina Trans LLC was photographed running a red light.

2022-020662, 11/07/2022 @ 14:47:52, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to DLB Transportation LLC was photographed running a red light.

2022-020663, 11/07/2022 @ 14:50:27, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Litus Logistics Corp was photographed running a red light.

2022-020664, 11/07/2022 @ 14:51:20, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to was photographed running a red light.

2022-020665, 11/07/2022 @ 14:52:39, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle regsitered to J B Hunt Transport Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020666, 11/07/2022 @ 14:54:52, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Technicom Services Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020667, 11/07/2022 @ 14:57:30, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Zoetis Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020668, 11/07/2022 @ 14:59:38, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Simons Trucking Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020669, 11/07/2022 @ 15:02:13, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to DRD Express Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020670, 11/07/2022 @ 15:05:06, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Iloca Services Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020671, 11/07/2022 @ 15:08:00, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Tri State Timber Transport LLC was photographed running a red light.

2022-020672, 11/07/2022 @ 15:10:05, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to J B Hunt Transport Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020673, 11/07/2022 @ 15:11:58, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to New Prime Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020674, 11/07/2022 @ 15:13:54, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Schneider National Leasing Inc was photographed running a red light.

2022-020675, 11/07/2022 @ 15:15:46, 2800 Bird St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Open Line 
  Officer Assigned 045 Bergman, C M    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 

        Public Narrative911 Open line reported in the area of 2800 Bird.

2022-020676, 11/07/2022 @ 15:16:09, US 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Suspect Run Stop Light (Camera) Cleared by Arrest-Adult 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeVehicle registered to Lansing Hay Company was photographed running a red light.

2022-020677, 11/07/2022 @ 15:27:48, , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

2022-020678, 11/07/2022 @ 15:51:28, 3651 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Open Line 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
       Compl. 911 Open Line 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Involve 911 Open Line 11/07/2022

        Public Narrative911 open line reported at 3651 Stardust Dr.

2022-020679, 11/07/2022 @ 15:58:02, , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

2022-020680, 11/07/2022 @ 16:06:56, 3740 Hwy MM , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Private Property 
  Officer Assigned 045 Bergman, C M    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Accident Private Property 11/07/2022
       Involve Accident Private Property 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Driver Accident Private Property 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativePrivate Property traffic crash reported at 3740 HWY MM

2022-020681, 11/07/2022 @ 16:08:01, , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

2022-020682, 11/07/2022 @ 16:20:06, , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Red Light Enforcement 
  Officer Assigned 037 Wealer, M P    Entered By 2493 Walker, M M 

2022-020683, 11/07/2022 @ 16:34:12, 2110 Crescent St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Found/Lost Item 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Found Articles 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Involve 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeFound item reported on Crescent St. 

2022-020684, 11/07/2022 @ 16:44:04, 1740 Fulton Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By 3047 Graham, J N 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Stray Cats 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint made at 1740 Fulton Ave.

2022-020685, 11/07/2022 @ 16:57:07, , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint VOID 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By 030 Mathews, V W 

        Public NarrativeVoid. 

2022-020686, 11/07/2022 @ 16:58:04, US 61 US 36, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Non-Injury 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C49 Heimer, C D 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeNon-injury traffic crash reported on US-36 at US-61.

2022-020687, 11/07/2022 @ 17:33:58, Grand Ave Center St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C49 Heimer, C D 
      Adult Male 
       Involve 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop on Grand Ave near Center St. Vehicle fled the area.

2022-020688, 11/07/2022 @ 17:42:56, 1 Ymca Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Damage 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C49 Heimer, C D 
       Involve Property Damage 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Parent Property Damage 11/07/2022
       Suspect Property Damage Pending Investigation 11/07/2022
       Suspect Property Damage Pending Investigation 11/07/2022
       Suspect Property Damage Cleared by Arrest-Juvenil 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Parent Property Damage 11/07/2022
       Victim Theft Misd- All other theft 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeProperty damage reported at 1 YMCA. 

2022-020689, 11/07/2022 @ 18:38:47, 2824 James Rd 13, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Check Well Being 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Involve Check Well Being 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeCheck Well Being reported at 2824 James Rd

2022-020690, 11/07/2022 @ 19:01:37, 1311 Fulton Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Open Line 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
       Victim 911 Open Line 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Suspect 911 Open Line Administratively Closed 11/07/2022

        Public Narrative911 Open line reported on Fulton Ave. 

2022-020691, 11/07/2022 @ 20:06:45, 4121 Market St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – In Progress 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
       Involve Peace Disturbance 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Involve Peace Disturbance 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Peace Disturbance 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeDisturbance reported on Market St. 

2022-020692, 11/07/2022 @ 20:10:30, 804 Mark Twain Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – In Progress 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Peace Disturbance 11/07/2022
       Involve Peace Disturbance 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Involve Peace Disturbance 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeDisturbance reported on Mark Twain Ave.

2022-020693, 11/07/2022 @ 20:18:21, 325 Hummingbird Ln , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Person 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Suspicious Person 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Involve Suspicious Person 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeSuspicious person reported at 325 Hummingbird Lane.

2022-020694, 11/07/2022 @ 20:20:42, 312 Church St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Person 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Suspicious Person 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Suspicious Person 11/07/2022
       Involve Suspicious Person 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeSuspicious Person reported at 312 Church Street

2022-020695, 11/07/2022 @ 20:24:38, 4216 W Ely , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Person 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Suspicious Activity 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeSuspicious activity reported on W Ely. 

2022-020696, 11/07/2022 @ 20:57:16, , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint VOID 
  Officer Assigned CAD CAD Report    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 

2022-020697, 11/07/2022 @ 21:34:32, St Marys Ave Lamb Ave, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop at St Marys Ave and Lamb Ave fro improper lane use. The driver was issued a warning for lane use and a citation for no proof of insurance.

2022-020698, 11/07/2022 @ 21:55:37, 123 Huckleberry Hts Dr 117, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
       Involve Check Well Being 11/07/2022
       Involve Check Well Being 11/07/2022
      Adult Female 
       Contact Check Well Being 11/07/2022
      Adult Male 
       Involve Check Well Being 11/07/2022
       Compl. Check Well Being 11/07/2022

        Public NarrativeCheck well being reported at 123 Huckleberry Hts Dr. room 117.

2022-020699, 11/07/2022 @ 22:35:25, US 61 James Rd, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop initiated on US 61 near James Road for speed. Driver released with a citation.

2022-020700, 11/07/2022 @ 23:55:57, I-72 Highway 61, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 

2022-020701, 11/08/2022 @ 00:10:50, US 61 James Rd, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop initiated on US 61 near James Rd for speed. Driver released with a citation for speed. SG48

2022-020702, 11/08/2022 @ 00:17:50, 1610 Hope St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
      Adult Male 
       Contact Check Well Being 11/08/2022
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Check Well Being 11/08/2022

        Public NarrativeCheck well being requested at 1610 Hope Street.

2022-020703, 11/08/2022 @ 01:46:50, 6079 County Road 425 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Citizen Contact 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
       Involve Community Contacts 11/08/2022
      Adult Male 
       Contact Community Contacts 11/08/2022

        Public NarrativeCitizen contact at Hannibal Municipal Airport, 6079 CR 425.

2022-020704, 11/08/2022 @ 02:28:17, MO 79 Reservoir St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect 11/08/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop initiated on MO 79 near Reservoir Street for equipment. Driver released with warnings for equipment, state plate, and a citation for no proof of insurance.

2022-020705, 11/08/2022 @ 03:05:01, US 61 Huckleberry Heights Dr, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Injury 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 11/08/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic Crash with injury reported on US 61 near Huckleberry Heights Dr

2022-020706, 11/08/2022 @ 03:44:54, 7 Shawnee Trl , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
       Compl. Check Well Being 11/08/2022
      Adult Female 
       Involve Check Well Being 11/08/2022

        Public NarrativeCheck well being reported at 7 Shawnee Trl.

2022-020707, 11/08/2022 @ 05:27:44, Highway 61 NB Hucklberry Park Dr, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Motorist Assist 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
       Compl. Motorist Assist 11/08/2022
       Involve Motorist Assist 11/08/2022

        Public NarrativeMotorist assist reported at US 61 near Huckleberry Park Drive.

2022-020708, 11/08/2022 @ 06:24:39, 931 N 6Th , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Burglary 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C49 Heimer, C D 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. 11/08/2022

2022-020709, 11/08/2022 @ 07:36:21, 1908 Chestnut St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 072 Ledbetter, T W 

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint in the 1900 block of Chestnut St.

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