HPD Blotter for Sept. 23, 2021

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2021-019259, 09/22/2021 @ 00:11:47, 3308 Marsh Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Hang Up 
  Officer Assigned 035 Tripp, A M    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
       Victim 911 Hang Up 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Suspect 911 Hang Up Administratively Closed 09/22/2021

        Public Narrative911 hangup at 3308 Marsh Avenue.

2021-019260, 09/22/2021 @ 02:08:52, 2859 James Rd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Vehicle 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
       Involve Suspicious Auto 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Suspicious Auto 09/22/2021
       Involve Suspicious Auto 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeA suspicious vehicle was reported at 2859 James.

2021-019261, 09/22/2021 @ 02:24:58, 2721 James Rd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Citizen Contact 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
       Involve Community Contacts 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Community Contacts 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeCitizen contact at 2721 James.

2021-019262, 09/22/2021 @ 02:47:17, 1909 Chestnut St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Firearms 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Discharge of Firearms 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Contact Discharge of Firearms 09/22/2021
       Involve Discharge of Firearms 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeFirearms were reported at 1909 Chestnut.

2021-019263, 09/22/2021 @ 03:24:49, 815 Hazel St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Person 
  Officer Assigned 035 Tripp, A M    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Suspicious Person 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Suspicious Person 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Suspicious Person 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeSuspicious person at 815 Hazel.

2021-019264, 09/22/2021 @ 04:11:00, 1812 Chestnut St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Burglary 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C52 Holley, B P 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Burglary First 09/22/2021
       Witness Burglary First 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Warrant – Municipal 09/21/2021
      Adult Male 
       Witness Burglary First 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Victim Burglary First 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Burglary First Pending Investigation 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeBurglary was reported at 1812 Chestnut.

2021-019265, 09/22/2021 @ 06:59:38, 16 Fair Oaks Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Hang Up 
  Officer Assigned 023 Wilt, L N    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
       Compl. 911 Hang Up 09/22/2021
       Victim 911 Hang Up 09/22/2021
       Suspect 911 Hang Up Administratively Closed 09/22/2021

        Public Narrative911 hangup reported in the area of Fair Oaks Drive.

2021-019266, 09/22/2021 @ 06:59:40, 4385 Paris Gravel Rd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Burglary 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C73 Hodson, J S 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Burglary Second 09/22/2021
       Victim Burglary Second 09/22/2021
       Suspect Burglary Second Pending Investigation 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeBurglary reported in the 4300 block of Paris Gravel Rd.

2021-019267, 09/22/2021 @ 07:21:37, 1907 Hope St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assist Agency 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C73 Hodson, J S 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Contact 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Seized Property Property Entered 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Contact 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeAssist agency was reported at 1907 Hope St.

2021-019268, 09/22/2021 @ 07:52:02, Huckleberry Park , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Huck 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
       Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeHuckleberry Park patrolled.

2021-019269, 09/22/2021 @ 07:54:28, Broadway S Griffith, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Injury 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Witness 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Witness 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic crash was reported at Broadway and S Griffith.

2021-019270, 09/22/2021 @ 08:20:28, 312 Munger Ln , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Damage 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
       Victim Property Damage 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Property Damage 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Parent Property Damage 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeProperty damage reported at 312 Munger Lane.

2021-019271, 09/22/2021 @ 08:38:55, 4070 Market St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Check Well Being 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Involve Check Well Being 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeCheck well being requested at 4070 Market St.

2021-019272, 09/22/2021 @ 09:01:37, 3300 St Marys Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Barking Dogs Verbal Warning 09/22/2021
       Suspect No City Dog License/Tag Verbal Warning 09/22/2021
       Suspect No City Dog License/Tag Verbal Warning 09/22/2021
       Victim No City Dog License/Tag 09/22/2021
       Victim No City Dog License/Tag 09/22/2021
       Compl. No City Dog License/Tag 09/22/2021
       Compl. No City Dog License/Tag 09/22/2021
       Compl. Barking Dogs 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Barking Dogs Verbal Warning 09/22/2021
       Suspect No City Dog License/Tag Verbal Warning 09/22/2021
       Suspect No City Dog License/Tag Verbal Warning 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint in the 3300 block of St. Marys Ave.

2021-019273, 09/22/2021 @ 09:17:08, 138 Ledbetter Ln , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
       Involve Dog At Large 09/22/2021
       Victim Dog At Large 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Dog At Large 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeDog at Large.

2021-019274, 09/22/2021 @ 09:41:43, 12 Shawnee Trl , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Found/Lost Item 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Found Articles 09/22/2021
       Involve Found Articles 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeFound item reported at 12 Shawnee Trail.

2021-019275, 09/22/2021 @ 09:52:56, 407 N 7Th , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Leave the Scene 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Accident Leave Scene 09/22/2021
       Suspect Accident Leave Scene Administratively Closed 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic crash reported at 407 N 7th.

2021-019276, 09/22/2021 @ 10:05:25, 1009 Park Ave A, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suicidal Subject 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Check Well Being 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Check Well Being 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeSuicidal subject was reported at 1009 Park Ave.

2021-019277, 09/22/2021 @ 10:05:49, Riverview Park Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Riverview 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 2492 Winningham, A L 
       Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeRiverview Park patrolled.

2021-019278, 09/22/2021 @ 11:04:05, I-72 Central Ave, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C73 Hodson, J S 

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop at I 72 and Central Ave. Driver was issued a citation for speed.

2021-019279, 09/22/2021 @ 11:11:53, 5000 Paris Gravel Rd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Abandoned Vehicle 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Abandonment of Motor Veh 09/22/2021
       Involve Abandonment of Motor Veh 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Abandonment of Motor Veh 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeAbandoned vehicle was reported at 5000 Paris Gravel Rd.

2021-019280, 09/22/2021 @ 11:39:25, 1200 Church St BLK, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Firearms 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Discharge of Firearms 09/22/2021
       Involve Discharge of Firearms 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeFirearms reported in the 1200 block of Church St.

2021-019281, 09/22/2021 @ 12:14:36, 628 Willow St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assault 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Assault 2nd Degree 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Victim Assault 2nd Degree 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Witness Assault 2nd Degree 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Assault 2nd Degree Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeAssault was reported at 628 Willow St.

2021-019282, 09/22/2021 @ 12:17:10, 1734 Market St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assault 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By 004 Grote, J M 
       Involve Assault 2nd Degree 09/22/2021
       Involve Assault 2nd Degree 09/22/2021
       Involve Assault 2nd Degree 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Victim Assault 2nd Degree 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Assault 2nd Degree Administratively Closed 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Witness Assault 2nd Degree 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeAssault reported at 1734 Market Street.

2021-019283, 09/22/2021 @ 12:23:29, 1602 Vermont St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 023 Wilt, L N    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Information 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Information 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeInformation was reported at 1602 Vermont.

2021-019284, 09/22/2021 @ 12:32:21, 215 S Locust St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Maintenance 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Public Nuisance Pending Investigation 09/22/2021
       Suspect Nuisance Weeds Pending Investigation 09/22/2021
       Owner Public Nuisance 09/22/2021
       Owner Nuisance Weeds 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Public Nuisance Exceptionally Cleared by 09/22/2021
       Suspect Nuisance Weeds Exceptionally Cleared by 09/22/2021
       Victim Public Nuisance 09/22/2021
       Victim Nuisance Weeds 09/22/2021
       Compl. Public Nuisance 09/22/2021
       Compl. Nuisance Weeds 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeProperty maintenance violations in the 200 block of S Locust St.

2021-019285, 09/22/2021 @ 13:15:18, Church St Grand, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C7 King, A G 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Drive While Susp/Revoked Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/22/2021
       Involve Warrant – Municipal 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Warrant-In State Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop conducted on Broadway near Grand.

2021-019286, 09/22/2021 @ 14:28:46, 4028 McMasters Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Civil Dispute 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
       Compl. Civil Dispute 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeCivil dispute was reported at 4028 McMasters Ave.

2021-019287, 09/22/2021 @ 14:41:30, 2337 Market St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Dog At Large 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeAnimal at large was reported at 2337 Market St.

2021-019290, 09/22/2021 @ 15:55:01, 2018 Gordon St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Civil Dispute 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Civil Dispute 09/22/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Civil Dispute 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeCivil dispute reported at 2018 Gordon St.

2021-019303, 09/22/2021 @ 17:15:08, Ofallon St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Drive ATV on City Street 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic complaint reported at O’Fallon Street.

2021-019307, 09/22/2021 @ 17:33:40, 903 Summer St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Hang Up 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C53 Keith, G M 
       Compl. 911 Hang Up 09/22/2021
       Victim 911 Hang Up 09/22/2021
       Suspect 911 Hang Up Administratively Closed 09/22/2021

        Public Narrative911 hang up was reported at 903 Summer St.

2021-019310, 09/22/2021 @ 17:48:32, Fulton Ave Martin St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Juvenile Problem 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Compl. Children Play. In Street 09/22/2021
       Involve Children Play. In Street 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeJuvenile problem was reported at Fulton Ave and Martin.

2021-019314, 09/22/2021 @ 18:18:01, 500 Mark Twain Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suicidal Subject 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Mental Cases-Other Administratively Closed 09/22/2021
       Suspect Suicide Att.-By Cutting Administratively Closed 09/22/2021
       Involve Suicide Att.-By Cutting 09/22/2021
       Involve Suicide Att.-By Cutting 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Suicide Att.-By Cutting 09/22/2021
       Victim- Mental Cases-Other 09/22/2021
       Victim- Suicide Att.-By Cutting 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeSuicidial subject was reported at 500 Mark Twain Ave.

2021-019315, 09/22/2021 @ 18:25:52, Pleasant St 18th St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Domestic Disturbance 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
       Compl. Domestic (No Crime) 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeDomestic disturbance was reported at Pleasant St and 18th St.

2021-019329, 09/22/2021 @ 19:59:54, US 61 James Rd, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Reckless Driving 09/22/2021
       Suspect Reckless Driving Administratively Closed 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic complaint was reported on US61 at James Rd.

2021-019330, 09/22/2021 @ 20:17:28, Edwards St Fulton Ave, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Loud Music 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Compl. 09/22/2021

2021-019331, 09/22/2021 @ 20:20:20, 1201 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – In Progress 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Peace Disturbance 09/22/2021
       Involve Peace Disturbance 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Peace Disturbance 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeA disturbance in progress was reported at 1201 Broadway.

2021-019332, 09/22/2021 @ 20:23:08, 3302 Marsh Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Person 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C53 Keith, G M 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Suspicious Person 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeA suspicious person was reported at 3302 Marsh Ave.

2021-019333, 09/22/2021 @ 21:00:25, US 61 James Rd, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint VOID 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 

        Public NarrativeVoid incident.

2021-019334, 09/22/2021 @ 21:01:11, 2000 S Highway 61 , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Open Line 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
       Victim 911 Open Line 09/22/2021
       Suspect 911 Open Line Administratively Closed 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeA 911 open line was reported at 2000 S Highway 61.

2021-019335, 09/22/2021 @ 21:08:32, James Rd US 61, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Drive While Susp/Revoked Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/22/2021
       Suspect Warrant – Out Of State Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/22/2021
       Suspect Warrant – Out Of State Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop James Rd/ US 61 for improper registration. The driver was issued multiple citations and arrested on warrants.

2021-019336, 09/22/2021 @ 21:41:55, 3005 St Marys Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Hang Up 
  Officer Assigned 027 Myers, S N    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
      Adult Female 
       Suspect 911 Hang Up Administratively Closed 09/22/2021
       Compl. 911 Hang Up 09/22/2021
       Victim 911 Hang Up 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeA 911 hang up was reported at 3005 St. Mary’s Ave.

2021-019338, 09/22/2021 @ 23:09:20, Mark Twain Ave Bridge Approach, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C61 Jaworski, J M 
       Compl. Check Well Being 09/22/2021
       Involve Check Well Being 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeCheck Well being Mark Twain Bridge.

2021-019340, 09/22/2021 @ 23:44:34, Pine St Orchard Ave, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C53 Keith, G M 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Check Well Being 09/22/2021
       Involve Check Well Being 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeCheck well being was reported at Pine St and Orchard Ave.

2021-019341, 09/22/2021 @ 23:53:18, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Citizen Contact 
  Officer Assigned 016 Fredrick, J A    Entered By C52 Holley, B P 
       Involve Community Contacts 09/22/2021
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Warrant-In State Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/23/2021
       Involve Community Contacts 09/22/2021

        Public NarrativeCitizen contact at 777 Broadway.

46 Reports Selected 

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