HPD Blotter for Sept. 3, 2022

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2022-016268, 09/03/2022 @ 00:22:52, N 8Th Center St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Citizen Contact 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Adult Female 
Involve Community Contacts 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeCitizen contact on N 8th St at Center St. 

2022-016269, 09/03/2022 @ 00:50:53, S Hayden St Market St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Adult Male 
Involve 09/03/2022
Victim- Poss: Cont. Substance 09/03/2022
Victim- Poss Drug Paraphernalia 09/03/2022
Victim- Tamper Physical Evidence 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Suspect Poss: Cont. Substance Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Tamper Physical Evidence Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Poss Drug Paraphernalia Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Warrant-In State Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Involve Warrant – Municipal 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Involve Warrant-In State 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop for fail to signal on S Hayden St at Market St. Driver cited and passengers arrested on warrants/drugs charges.

2022-016270, 09/03/2022 @ 01:03:25, Bridge St Under I72, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Harrassment 
  Officer Assigned 017 Perkins, C L    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
Adult Female 
Compl. Harassment 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Contact Harassment 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Contact Harassment 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Contact Harassment 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Contact Harassment 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeHarrassment reproted on Bridge St under I72 bridge. 

2022-016271, 09/03/2022 @ 01:16:28, Chestnut St Richmond St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Vehicle 
  Officer Assigned 016 Fredrick, J A    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
Adult Female 
Compl. Unnecessary Noise 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeA suspicious vehicle was reported at Chestnut near Richmond. 

2022-016272, 09/03/2022 @ 02:59:16, 1204 Lindell Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – In Progress 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
Adult Female 
Compl. Viol. Of Order Of Protect 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Witness Viol. Of Order Of Protect 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Victim Burglary First 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
SuspectAttempt Burglary First Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Viol. Of Order Of Protect Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Property Damage Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeDisturbance reported at 1204 Lindell Avenue 

2022-016273, 09/03/2022 @ 06:41:36, US 61 Diamond Blvd, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Unknown Injury 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By C49 Heimer, C D 
Adult Female 
Driver Accident Non-Injury 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Driver Accident Non-Injury 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic Crash at US 61 and Diamond. 

2022-016274, 09/03/2022 @ 07:19:44, 1734 Market St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Auto Theft 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Involve Tampering First 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Suspect Tampering First Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Interfere /Resist Arrest Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Victim Tampering First 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeAuto theft reported on Market St. 

2022-016275, 09/03/2022 @ 07:30:30, Lyon St S 6Th, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 023 Wilt, L N    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Male 
Involve Check Well Being 09/03/2022
Compl. Check Well Being 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeCheck the well being requested in the area of Lyon and 6th. 

2022-016276, 09/03/2022 @ 07:43:29, US 61 Fair Oaks, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C52 Holley, B P 

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop initated on US 61 near Fair Oaks for speed. Driver released with a citation.

2022-016277, 09/03/2022 @ 08:17:46, 105 Lakeside Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 023 Wilt, L N    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Information 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation 

2022-016278, 09/03/2022 @ 08:41:07, 2 Shawnee Trl A, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Custody Issue 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Adult Female 
Involve 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeCustody issue at 2 A Shawnee Trail. 

2022-016279, 09/03/2022 @ 09:13:13, Huckleberry Park , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Huck 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeHuckleberry Park Patrol 

2022-016280, 09/03/2022 @ 09:32:33, 250 N Locust St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal At Large 
  Officer Assigned 072 Ledbetter, T W    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Male 
Suspect Dog At Large Verbal Warning 09/03/2022
Suspect Dog At Large Verbal Warning 09/03/2022
Victim Dog At Large 09/03/2022
Victim Dog At Large 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Compl. Dog At Large 09/03/2022
Compl. Dog At Large 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Suspect Dog At Large Solved But No Arrest 09/03/2022
Suspect Dog At Large Solved But No Arrest 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeCaller reporting 2 dogs running at large in the 200 block of N Locust St.

2022-016281, 09/03/2022 @ 09:59:00, 12 Shawnee Trl , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Vehicle 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Female 
Compl. Suspicious Auto 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Involve Suspicious Auto 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeSuspicious vehicle reported on Shawnee Trl. 

2022-016282, 09/03/2022 @ 10:31:23, 101 Broadway B&B Theater, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Parking Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Involve Parking Improperly 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Compl. Parking Improperly 09/03/2022
Involve Parking Improperly 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeParking Complaint reported at 101 Broadway 

2022-016283, 09/03/2022 @ 10:35:40, 777 Broadway HPD, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Found/Lost Item 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Male 
Compl. Found Articles 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Owner Found Articles 09/03/2022
Involve Recover Property Only 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeFound Item reported at 777 Broadway 

2022-016284, 09/03/2022 @ 10:40:52, Riverview Park Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Riverview 
  Officer Assigned 076 Munday, D L    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Extra Patrol-Business 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeRiverview Park Patrol 

2022-016285, 09/03/2022 @ 10:40:54, 3441 St Marys Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – In Progress 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Adult Male 
Involve 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Involve 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeDisturbance reported on St Marys Ave. 

2022-016286, 09/03/2022 @ 11:29:13, 326 N Main St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Open Line 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Victim 911 Open Line 09/03/2022
Contact 911 Open Line 09/03/2022
Suspect 911 Open Line Administratively Closed 09/03/2022

        Public Narrative911 Open Line reported at 326 N Main Street 

2022-016287, 09/03/2022 @ 11:47:35, 302 S 5Th O’Donnell’s, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Escort 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Direct Traffic/Escort 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeEscort requested at 302 S 5th Street (O’Donnell’s) 

2022-016288, 09/03/2022 @ 12:19:05, End of Broadway Boat Parking Lot, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Parking Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Parking Improperly 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeParking complaint at End of Broadway/Boat parking Lot. 

2022-016289, 09/03/2022 @ 12:34:01, 4028 McMasters Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Non-Injury 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Adult Female 
Involve 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic crash on US 61 near Greenway Drive. 

2022-016290, 09/03/2022 @ 12:44:07, 3rd Church, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Non-Injury 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Adult Male 
Driver Accident Non-Injury 09/03/2022
Compl. Accident Non-Injury 09/03/2022
Driver Accident Non-Injury 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic crash at 3rd and Church. 

2022-016291, 09/03/2022 @ 12:47:57, 2526 Chestnut St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Female 
Involve Check Well Being 09/03/2022
Involve Check Well Being 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Compl. Check Well Being 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Involve Check Well Being 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeCheck Well Being reported at 2526 Chestnut St 

2022-016293, 09/03/2022 @ 13:41:48, US 61 S of US 36, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Non-Injury 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C52 Holley, B P 
Involve Accident Non-Injury 09/03/2022
Involve Accident Non-Injury 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Driver Accident Non-Injury 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Compl. Accident Non-Injury 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic Crash Non Injury reported on US 61 near US 36 

2022-016294, 09/03/2022 @ 13:43:34, 1713 Vermont St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Male 
Compl. Drive ATV on City Street 09/03/2022
Involve Drive ATV on City Street 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic Complaint reported at 1713 Vermont Street 

2022-016295, 09/03/2022 @ 13:48:02, 101 Broadway B B Theater, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Parking Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Parking Improperly 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeParking complaint reported on Broadway. 

2022-016296, 09/03/2022 @ 13:51:02, N Main St Center St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Information 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation reported on N Main St. 

2022-016297, 09/03/2022 @ 15:14:53, 209 Bird St VFW, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Found/Lost Item 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 

        Public NarrativeFound item reported on Bird St. 

2022-016298, 09/03/2022 @ 15:43:06, Church St S 6th, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C49 Heimer, C D 
Adult Female 
Involve 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop at Church St and S 6th for expired registration. The driver was issued a citation and was released.

2022-016299, 09/03/2022 @ 15:47:20, 777 Broadway HPD, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Male 
Victim Theft Misd- Theft from Motor Vehicle 09/03/2022
Suspect Theft Misd- Theft from Motor Vehicle Pending Investigation 09/03/2022
Compl. Theft Misd- Theft from Motor Vehicle 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeStealing- Delayed at 777 Broadway. 

2022-016300, 09/03/2022 @ 15:51:15, 209 Dowling St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – In Progress 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Adult Female 
Involve Assault 4th Degree 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Compl. Assault 4th Degree 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Involve Assault 4th Degree 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeDisturbance in Progress reported at 209 Dowling Street 

2022-016301, 09/03/2022 @ 16:13:47, 4033 Hillside Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Leave the Scene 
  Officer Assigned 048 Grimes, S M    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Male 
Suspect Leave Scene of Accident Pending Investigation 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Victim Accident Leave Scene 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic crash leave the scene reported in the 4000 block of Hillside Drive.

2022-016302, 09/03/2022 @ 16:43:16, 3906 Market St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Male 
Compl. Check Well Being 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Involve Check Well Being 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeCheck well being at 3906 Market. 

2022-016303, 09/03/2022 @ 16:58:10, 202 Centerville Rd C, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Misdial 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
Involve 09/03/2022

        Public Narrative911 Misdial reported on Centerville Rd. 

2022-016304, 09/03/2022 @ 17:14:47, 219 Center St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 040 Hoebing, J M    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Compl. Information 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation at 219 Center. 

2022-016305, 09/03/2022 @ 17:18:24, 2959 Palmyra Rd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Leave the Scene 
  Officer Assigned 031 Kuhlman-Pfeiffer, Z W    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 

        Public NarrativeTraffic crash leave the scene reported on Palmyra Rd. 

2022-016306, 09/03/2022 @ 17:26:15, 918 Mark Twain Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By 2635 Bounds, H W 
Adult Female 
Compl. Information 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 918 Mark Twain Ave. 

2022-016308, 09/03/2022 @ 18:37:56, Broadway 4th St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 017 Perkins, C L    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
Adult Female 
Suspect Poss Drug Paraphernalia Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Involve Warrant – Municipal 09/03/2022
Victim- Poss Drug Paraphernalia 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop on Broadway near N 4th St. Driver released with a warning.

2022-016309, 09/03/2022 @ 19:29:56, Broadway N Maple Ave, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
Adult Female 
Suspect 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop for improper registration on Broadway at N Maple Ave. Driver released with citations.

2022-016310, 09/03/2022 @ 19:42:35, Center St N 10th, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
Adult Male 
Suspect 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop for improper regisyration on Center St near N 10th. Driver released with citations.

2022-016311, 09/03/2022 @ 19:45:11, Huckleberry Park Tennis Court, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Hang Up 
  Officer Assigned 017 Perkins, C L    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Victim 911 Hang Up 09/03/2022
Suspect 911 Hang Up Administratively Closed 09/03/2022

        Public Narrative911 Hang Up plotting in the area of Huckleberry Park at the Tennis Court.

2022-016312, 09/03/2022 @ 20:22:00, Broadway S 5th, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
Adult Male 
Suspect Poss: Cont. Substance Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Poss: Cont. Substance Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Poss Drug Paraphernalia Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Interfere /Resist Arrest Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Tamper Physical Evidence Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Unlawful Use Of Weapon Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Poss: Cont. Substance Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop for registration violation on Broadway near S 5th. Driver fled and was arrested on multiple charges.

2022-016313, 09/03/2022 @ 20:27:20, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Trespass 
  Officer Assigned 017 Perkins, C L    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Adult Female 
Suspect Trespass Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Theft Misd- Shoplifting Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Victim Trespass 09/03/2022
Victim Theft Misd- Shoplifting 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Compl. Trespass 09/03/2022
Compl. Theft Misd- Shoplifting 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTrespass reported at 3650 Stardust Drive. 

2022-016314, 09/03/2022 @ 20:42:49, 411 Smith St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Open Line 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Compl. 911 Open Line 09/03/2022
Involve 911 Open Line 09/03/2022

        Public Narrative911 Open Line reported at 411 Smith Street. 

2022-016315, 09/03/2022 @ 20:43:57, 4215 McMasters Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Adult Female 
Compl. Information 09/03/2022
Involve Information 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 4215 McMasters Avenue. 

2022-016316, 09/03/2022 @ 21:03:43, 415 Bird St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing 
  Officer Assigned 017 Perkins, C L    Entered By 2327 Murphy, M 
Adult Male 
Victim Theft Misd- All other theft 09/03/2022
Suspect Theft Misd- All other theft Administratively Closed 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeStealing reported at 415 Bird St. 

2022-016317, 09/03/2022 @ 22:02:28, Warren Barrett Dr Lindell Avenue, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
Adult Male 
Suspect 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop for expired registration. The driver was issued a citation and released.

2022-016318, 09/03/2022 @ 22:07:39, Warren Barrett Dr Industrial Loop, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop for improper registration on Warren Barrett Dr near Industrial Loop. Driver released with no action.

2022-016319, 09/03/2022 @ 22:24:31, 10th St Church, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
Victim- Poss: Cont. Substance 09/03/2022
Victim- Poss Drug Paraphernalia 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Suspect Poss: Cont. Substance Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022
Suspect Poss Drug Paraphernalia Cleared by Arrest-Adult 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop for expired registration. The driver was issued multiple citations and later released.

2022-016320, 09/03/2022 @ 22:28:25, Highway 79 SB Church St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 017 Perkins, C L    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
Suspect Speeding 31-35 mph over Administratively Closed 09/03/2022
Suspect Fail To Yield Emx Vehicle Administratively Closed 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic Stop on Highway 79 near Church St. 

2022-016321, 09/03/2022 @ 22:49:51, 2216 Spruce St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Domestic Disturbance 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Adult Female 
Involve Domestic (No Crime) 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Involve Domestic (No Crime) 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeDomestic disturbance reported ar 2216 Spruce St. 

2022-016322, 09/03/2022 @ 22:50:10, 1219 Center St A, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Domestic Disturbance 
  Officer Assigned 016 Fredrick, J A    Entered By C84 Davenport, K J 
Adult Male 
Involve Domestic (No Crime) 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Involve Domestic (No Crime) 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeA domestic disturbance was reported at 1219 Center St. Apt. A.

2022-016324, 09/03/2022 @ 23:08:58, 1900 Gordon St BLK, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Compl. Information 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeInformation reported in the 1900 block of Gordon St. 

2022-016325, 09/03/2022 @ 23:23:33, Highway 79 Church St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 030 Mathews, V W    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop for expired registration on Highway-79 near Church St. Driver released with a warning.

2022-016326, 09/03/2022 @ 23:32:43, 4044 Market St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Alarm – Burglar 
  Officer Assigned 017 Perkins, C L    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Compl. Burglar Alarm 09/03/2022
Involve Burglar Alarm 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeBurglar Alarm reported at 4044 Market St. 

2022-016327, 09/03/2022 @ 23:36:38, 4419 McMasters Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Alarm – Burglar 
  Officer Assigned 016 Fredrick, J A    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
Suspect Burglar Alarm Administratively Closed 09/03/2022
Compl. Burglar Alarm 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Involve Burglar Alarm 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeA burglar alarm was reported at 4419 Mcmasters Ave. 

2022-016328, 09/03/2022 @ 23:46:48, Broadway Grand Ave, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 020 Jobe, J B    Entered By C67 Chavez, M BG 
Adult Male 
Involve 09/03/2022
Adult Male 
Involve 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Involve 09/03/2022
Adult Female 
Involve 09/03/2022

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop for defective lights. Driver issued a warning and released.

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