HPD Blotter for Sept. 8, 2021

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2021-018183, 09/08/2021 @ 00:38:15, Dowling St Market St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Citizen Contact 
  Officer Assigned 024 Mulheron, R M    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
      Adult Female 
       Contact Community Contacts 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeCitizen contact conducted at Dowling and Market.

2021-018184, 09/08/2021 @ 04:12:32, 3827 Highway MM , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Alarm – Panic/Hold Up 
  Officer Assigned 035 Tripp, A M    Entered By C75 Hunt, T M 
       Compl. Hold-Up Alarm 09/08/2021
       Contact Hold-Up Alarm 09/08/2021
       Involve Hold-Up Alarm 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeAn alarm was reported at 3827 Hwy MM.

2021-018185, 09/08/2021 @ 04:49:12, 170 Medical Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Alarm – Burglar 
  Officer Assigned 044 Logsdon, C A    Entered By C75 Hunt, T M 
       Victim False Alarm 09/08/2021
       Suspect False Alarm Administratively Closed 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeOfficers were dispatched to an alarm sounding at 170 Medical Dr.

2021-018186, 09/08/2021 @ 05:28:57, 3071 Holman Dr Apt46, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 035 Tripp, A M    Entered By C75 Hunt, T M 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Peace Disturbance Administratively Closed 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Victim- Peace Disturbance 09/08/2021
       Compl. Peace Disturbance 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeDisturbance reported at 3071 Holman Drive.

2021-018187, 09/08/2021 @ 07:07:33, 3800 McMasters Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Check Well Being 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Involve Check Well Being 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeCheck well being was reported in the 2800 block on McMasters Ave.

2021-018188, 09/08/2021 @ 07:48:35, 6000 Hospital Drive , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Assist Agency 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
       Involve Assist Other Agency 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Involve Assist Other Agency 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Assist Other Agency 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeAssist agency requested at 6000 Hospital Dr.

2021-018189, 09/08/2021 @ 08:10:04, 1211 Paris Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Animal Neglect 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Contact Animal Neglect 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Involve Animal Neglect 09/08/2021
       Owner Animal Neglect 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeAnimal Neglect.

2021-018190, 09/08/2021 @ 08:46:35, Warren Barrett Dr S Arch St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Found/Lost Item 
  Officer Assigned 023 Wilt, L N    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Found Articles 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Found Articles 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeFound item reported at Warren Barrett and S Arch

2021-018191, 09/08/2021 @ 08:59:22, 4560 Paris Gravel Rd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Found/Lost Item 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
       Involve Found Articles 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Found Articles 09/08/2021
       Involve Found Articles 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeFound item reported at 4560 Paris Gravel Rd.

2021-018192, 09/08/2021 @ 09:06:07, 36 Wb Central, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Male 
       Involve 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop on I 72 at Central Ave. Driver was issued citations for, speed and no proff of insurance. Driver was also issued a written warning for a license plate violation.

2021-018193, 09/08/2021 @ 09:20:47, Magnolia Ave Broadway, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C73 Hodson, J S 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop conducted on Broadway near Magnolia for expired registration. The driver was arrested on warrant and later released with citations for failure to register and no proof of insurance. 

2021-018194, 09/08/2021 @ 09:38:36, 2002 Hope St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Male 
       Involve 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeDisturbance was reported at 2002 Hope St.

2021-018195, 09/08/2021 @ 09:47:30, 4141 Market St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Hang Up 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C7 King, A G 
       Victim- 911 Hang Up 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Suspect 911 Hang Up Administratively Closed 09/08/2021

        Public Narrative911 hang up was reported at 4141 Market St.

2021-018196, 09/08/2021 @ 10:23:24, Huckleberry Park , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Park Patrol- Huck 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 2492 Winningham, A L 
       Involve Extra Patrol-Business 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeHuckleberry Park Patrol.

2021-018197, 09/08/2021 @ 10:45:56, Broadway Collins St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Male 
       Involve 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop conducted on Broadway near Collins for expired registration. The driver was issued a citation for failure to register and released.

2021-018199, 09/08/2021 @ 11:01:42, 2610 St Marys Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
       Compl. Stray Animal 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeAnimal complaint was reported at 2610 St Marys Ave.

2021-018200, 09/08/2021 @ 11:04:14, James Rd St Marys Ave, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C7 King, A G 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop on James Rd near St Marys for expired registration. The driver was issued a citation for failure to register and released.

2021-018201, 09/08/2021 @ 11:04:26, 1311 Fulton Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Maintenance 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 004 Grote, J M 
      Adult Female 
       Owner Public Nuisance 09/08/2021
       Suspect Abandonment of Motor Veh Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
       Suspect Nuisance Weeds Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
       Suspect Public Nuisance Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
       Victim Public Nuisance 09/08/2021
       Victim Nuisance Weeds 09/08/2021
       Victim Abandonment of Motor Veh 09/08/2021
       Compl. Public Nuisance 09/08/2021
       Compl. Nuisance Weeds 09/08/2021
       Compl. Abandonment of Motor Veh 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Public Nuisance 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Involve Public Nuisance 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeProperty Maintenance.

2021-018202, 09/08/2021 @ 11:08:38, 910 Fulton Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Maintenance 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 004 Grote, J M 
       Victim Public Nuisance 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Owner Public Nuisance 09/08/2021
       Suspect Public Nuisance Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Public Nuisance 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeProperty Maintenance.

2021-018203, 09/08/2021 @ 11:08:57, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Found/Lost Item 
  Officer Assigned 023 Wilt, L N    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Found Articles 09/08/2021
       Contact Found Articles 09/08/2021
       Involve Found Articles 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeFound item was reported at 777 Broadway.

2021-018204, 09/08/2021 @ 11:18:49, St Marys Ave Scott, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop on St. Marys Avenue and Scott for expired registration. The driver was released with a citation.

2021-018205, 09/08/2021 @ 11:21:02, Us 61 SB Clinic Rd, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Male 
       Involve 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop on US 61 near Clinic Rd. Driver was issued a citation for speed.

2021-018208, 09/08/2021 @ 11:32:39, 1500 Lindell Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Civil Dispute 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve 09/08/2021
       Compl. 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeCivil dispute was reported at 1500 Lindell Ave.

2021-018209, 09/08/2021 @ 11:39:11, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Animal Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
       Compl. Animal Neglect 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeAnimal Neglect.

2021-018210, 09/08/2021 @ 11:45:06, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By 2492 Winningham, A L 
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Theft Misd- Shoplifting Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
       Suspect Trespass Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
       Victim Theft Misd- Shoplifting 09/08/2021
       Victim Trespass 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Theft Misd- Shoplifting 09/08/2021
       Compl. Trespass 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeStealing delayed reported at 3650 Stardust Drive.

2021-018211, 09/08/2021 @ 12:56:29, 1004 Summer St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Maintenance 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 2492 Winningham, A L 
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Public Nuisance Pending Investigation 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeProperty Maintenance.

2021-018212, 09/08/2021 @ 13:02:44, Palmyra Rd Wyaconda, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop on Palmyra Rd near Wyaconda for speed. The driver was released with a citation.

2021-018213, 09/08/2021 @ 13:06:26, 1448 Vesper St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 074 Stout, R L    Entered By 2492 Winningham, A L 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Information 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeInformation.

2021-018214, 09/08/2021 @ 13:28:03, 902 Baker St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Peace Disturbance 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Peace Disturbance Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Peace Disturbance Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Peace Disturbance 09/08/2021
       Victim- Peace Disturbance 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativePeace Disturbance reported at 902 Baker Street.

2021-018215, 09/08/2021 @ 13:47:17, 211 Beech St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Open Line 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C73 Hodson, J S 
       Victim- 911 Open Line 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect 911 Open Line Administratively Closed 09/08/2021

        Public Narrative911 Open line was reported at 211 Beech St.

2021-018216, 09/08/2021 @ 14:04:56, 4500 McMasters Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 018 Combs, J P    Entered By 018 Combs, J P 
       Involve Information 09/08/2021
       Involve Information 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeInformation reported at 4500 McMasters Ave.

2021-018217, 09/08/2021 @ 14:13:32, 1313 Owens St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Check Well Being 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By 018 Combs, J P 
      Adult Female 
       Involve Check Well Being 09/08/2021
       Compl. Check Well Being 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeCheck well being was reported at 1313 Owens St.

2021-018218, 09/08/2021 @ 14:17:41, 900 Baker St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Drugs Information 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By 025 Hamm, A N 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Drug Information 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Drug Information 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Drug Information 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Involve Drug Information 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeDrugs Information reported at 900 Baker Street.

2021-018219, 09/08/2021 @ 14:24:19, 519 Pine St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Civil Dispute 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By 2710 McCurdy, J E 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Civil Dispute 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Contact Civil Dispute 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeCivil dispute was reported at 519 Pine St.

2021-018220, 09/08/2021 @ 15:06:35, 1448 Vesper St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 034 DeLaPorte, R T    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeInformation was reported at 1448 Vesper St.

2021-018221, 09/08/2021 @ 15:16:03, Market St Marion St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop on Market near Marion for expired registration. The driver was released with a warning.

2021-018222, 09/08/2021 @ 15:23:32, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Fraud 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. 09/14/2018

        Public NarrativeFraud reported.

2021-018223, 09/08/2021 @ 15:25:45, 203 Olive St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suicidal Subject 
  Officer Assigned 025 Hamm, A N    Entered By C73 Hodson, J S 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Mental Cases-Other Administratively Closed 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Mental Cases-Other 09/08/2021
       Victim Mental Cases-Other 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeSuicidal subject reported at 203 Olive Street.

2021-018227, 09/08/2021 @ 16:39:55, 777 Broadway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 023 Wilt, L N    Entered By C69 Helton, C B 
       Compl. Information 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Information 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeInformation

2021-018231, 09/08/2021 @ 16:59:15, 108 N 3Rd , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Juvenile Problem 
  Officer Assigned 032 Allen, B J    Entered By C73 Hodson, J S 
      Adult Female 
       Involve 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Ungovernable Juvenile 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Ungovernable Juvenile 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Ungovernable Juvenile Referred to Respective Ju 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeJuvenile problem reported at 108 N 3rd.

2021-018238, 09/08/2021 @ 17:24:48, 4215 McMasters Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Stealing Delayed 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Victim Theft Misd- Shoplifting 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Theft Misd- Shoplifting 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Theft Misd- Shoplifting Pending Investigation 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeStealing delayed was reported at 4215 McMasters Ave, Casey’s General Store.

2021-018245, 09/08/2021 @ 18:08:21, 812 Hazel St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Open Line 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
       Victim 911 Open Line 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect 911 Open Line Administratively Closed 09/08/2021
       Involve Warrant – Municipal 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeA 911 open line call was received at 812 Hazel St.

2021-018246, 09/08/2021 @ 18:15:14, 2029 Kingshighway , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Dog Bite 
  Officer Assigned 016 Fredrick, J A    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Compl. Dog Bite-Home 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Victim- Dog Bite-Home 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeA dog bite was reported at 2029 Kingshighway.

2021-018247, 09/08/2021 @ 18:24:25, Quincy St Walnut, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Complaint 
  Officer Assigned 016 Fredrick, J A    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Compl. Drive ATV on City Street 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeA traffic complaint was reported at Quincy near Walnut St.

2021-018248, 09/08/2021 @ 18:57:28, W Ely Pioneer Trail, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Stop 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
      Adult Female 
       Driver 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic stop W Ely/ Pioneer Trl for expired plates. The driver was issued a warning and citation.

2021-018249, 09/08/2021 @ 19:01:19, 212 Division St , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – In Progress 
  Officer Assigned 016 Fredrick, J A    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Domestic (No Crime) 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Domestic (No Crime) 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeA disturbance in progress was reported at 212 Division.

2021-018250, 09/08/2021 @ 19:34:13, Hill St Main St, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Suspicious Person 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
      Adult Male 
       Involve Suspicious Person 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Involve Suspicious Person 09/08/2021
       Compl. Suspicious Person 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeSuspicious persons were reported on Hill at Main.

2021-018251, 09/08/2021 @ 19:36:10, US 61 Pirate Pride, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Motorist Assist 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
       Compl. Motorist Assist 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeA motorist assist was reported at US 61 and Pirate Pride Dr.

2021-018252, 09/08/2021 @ 19:39:03, 9 Starlight Ridge B, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Property Damage 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
      Adult Male 
       POI Property Damage 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Property Damage 09/08/2021
       Victim Property Damage 09/08/2021
       Suspect Property Damage Pending Investigation 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeProperty Damage 9B Starlight Ridge.

2021-018253, 09/08/2021 @ 19:53:55, 4246 Stardust Dr B, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Domestic Disturbance 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C104 Sheehan, V C 
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Domestic Assault 3rd Degree Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Victim Domestic Assault 3rd Degree 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeDomestic disturbance was reported at 4246B Stardust.

2021-018255, 09/08/2021 @ 20:11:26, 41 Satellite Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – In Progress 
  Officer Assigned 016 Fredrick, J A    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Peace Disturbance 09/08/2021
       Involve Trespass 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Involve Peace Disturbance 09/08/2021
       Involve Trespass 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Involve Peace Disturbance 09/08/2021
       Involve Trespass 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeA disturbance in progress was reported at 41 Satellite Dr.

2021-018256, 09/08/2021 @ 20:16:12, 3650 Stardust Dr , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Information 
  Officer Assigned 016 Fredrick, J A    Entered By C62 Potter, L M 
      Adult Male 
       Compl. Peace Disturbance 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeInformation was reported at 3650 Stardust.

2021-018257, 09/08/2021 @ 20:43:08, 271 Munger Ln , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Traffic Crash – Leave the Scene 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C46 Reynolds, S M 
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Accident Leave Scene Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
       Suspect Drive While Susp/Revoked Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
       Suspect DUI: Alcohol/Drugs Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
       Suspect Interfere /Resist Arrest Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
       Suspect Domestic Assault 2nd Degree Pending Investigation 09/08/2021
       Victim- Accident Leave Scene 09/08/2021
       Victim- Drive While Susp/Revoked 09/08/2021
       Victim- DUI: Alcohol/Drugs 09/08/2021
       Victim- Interfere /Resist Arrest 09/08/2021
       Victim- Domestic Assault 2nd Degree 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Witness Accident Leave Scene 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Victim- Domestic Assault 2nd Degree 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Witness Domestic Assault 2nd Degree 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeTraffic Crash leave the scene 271 Munger Ln.

2021-018258, 09/08/2021 @ 21:39:04, 1702 Manning Ave , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Harassment 
  Officer Assigned 041 Borgmeyer, J R    Entered By 2893 Windland, C C 
      Adult Female 
       Compl. Harassment 09/08/2021
       Victim- Harassment 09/08/2021
       Suspect Harassment Verbal Warning 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeHarassment was reported at 1702 Manning Ave.

2021-018259, 09/08/2021 @ 22:05:41, 1200 Center St BLK, Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint Disturbance – In Progress 
  Officer Assigned 022 Benn, D J    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
       Victim- Peace Disturbance 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Suspect Peace Disturbance Unfounded 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Peace Disturbance Unfounded 09/08/2021
      Adult Male 
       Suspect Peace Disturbance Unfounded 09/08/2021
       Compl. Peace Disturbance 09/08/2021

        Public NarrativeDisturbance in progress 1200 Center St.

2021-018260, 09/08/2021 @ 23:04:45, 100 N 11Th , Hannibal
 Nature of Complaint 911 Hang Up 
  Officer Assigned 039 Lakenburger, C M    Entered By C74 Harp, A L 
      Adult Male 
       Involve 911 Hang Up 09/08/2021
      Adult Female 
       Involve 911 Hang Up 09/08/2021

        Public Narrative911 hang up was reported at 100 N. 11th.

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