Quincy School Board receives student discipline report

QUINCY — The Quincy School Board heard an update from the District Improvement Committee at a brief meeting Wednesday night.
There were no reports from the Building, Finance or Policy Committees as none of them had met during February.
According to the student discipline report, Quincy High School had a decrease in out-of-school suspensions, but an increase in student trips to the principal’s office or “office referrals” during the first semester. Quincy Junior High saw an increase in both categories, compared to the previous school year.
Office referrals increased overall at the lower grade levels, Early Childhood and the five K-5 buildings, while out-of-school suspensions slightly decreased.
Overall, 84 percent of Quincy Public School students showed at least “on track” behavior, with 5 percent of students being classified as “at risk” according to the report.
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