Breakfast Kiwanis installs new officers, including Pauer as president, and presents awards

QUINCY — Kiwanis Club of Quincy-Gem City, also known as Breakfast Kiwanis, held its annual installation of officers and award ceremony on Oct. 1 at the Quincy Boat Club.
Following a social time, the following were installed as officers and directors.
- President-Pat Pauer
- Vice President-Charles McClain
- Past President-Dan Conboy
- Treasurer-Gerry Korb
Conboy will serve as interim secretary.
Directors serving in their second year are Jim Tucker, Jim Kase and Alan Blickhan. Directors serving their first year are Keith Harrison, Paul Brown and John Moore.
Following the installation of officers, several awards were presented.
- Amador Award Winner: Charles McClain. This award is a program within the Kiwanis Neuroscience Research Foundation and allows Kiwanis clubs to recognize individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service in his or her community.
- Kiwanian of the Year: Jim Kase. The recipient of this award is selected by the club president for what the member did during the club year.
- Richard Walz Distinguished Service Award: Dave Oakley. This award, named for our charter member Richard (Dick) Walz, is awarded by the club to a member who has belonged for a minimum of five years and has been an active member.
Two lifetime memberships were awarded to Paul Brown and Scott Walden. Brown and Walden have been long-time active members of the Breakfast Kiwanis. This award is given to members who perpetuate the objects and objectives of Kiwanis International. After nomination by the club’s board of directors, it must be approved at the district level.
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