Western Illinois Threshers board of directors begin planning for 57th annual show to be held Aug. 2-4

Old Threshers class

Retired Nauvoo teacher and administrator Kenneth Nudd talks with students during a previous School Days field trip to the Western Illinois Threshers grounds. | Photo courtesy of Western Illinois Threshers

HAMILTON, Ill. — The Western Illinois Threshers will hold its 57th annual show Friday through Sunday, Aug. 2-4 at its grounds, two miles north of Hamilton.

During their recent annual meeting, directors were elected and plans were made for this summer’s event. Directors elected for three-year terms were Matthew Starr, Ken Buckert and Kyle Buckert joining other board members Ed Hartweg, Dan Buckert, Raymond Siegrist, Mark Wierather, Alvin Metternich and Buck Cameron. Officers elected for the year were Hartweg as president, Metternich as vice president, Starr as secretary and Dan Buckert as treasurer.

After setting the date for this year’s show, members gave the board authority to pursue local teams to continue the annual pony pull on Saturday morning of the show. Bingo games will continue in 2024.

Items to be featured at this year’s show include a tractor from the Graham-Bradley line, a 1955 squad car owned by Bernie Vialy of Hamilton and a late 1960s 12-horsepower Sears model garden tractor.

Activities Friday night are a ribeye steak supper, an antique tractor pull and music by Bocephus Wayne. Saturday night will feature a pork chop supper, quilt auction and music by Hearsay Band of Quincy.

A 1949 Allis Chalmers WD tractor will be given away at the end of the show, as well as a handmade quilt, farm toys and other items.

Other plans for the year include inviting school children to spend a field day at the thresher grounds in May to learn about farming and life of the past.

For more information about the show, visit westernillinoisthreshers.org or Facebook.

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