Clean up your act, Commenters!

clean up your act

“Clean Up Your Act” is a monthly engaging segment for your entertainment brought to you by Autoshine Car Wash located at 529 N. 48th Street and 2500 Broadway Street in Quincy. 

What is it?

Our Muddy Buddy crew will be selecting the best and the worst comment from our Facebook page every month. The best comment gets a free car wash from Autoshine and the worst comment gets to be publicly admonished with the Shame Shame Bell. It’s all in good fun and a reminder that what you write in that comment section is visible to our 25K local Facebook following. Muddy River News loves the engagement and as always, thank you for watching, reading and supporting your local news.

This month’s award for best comment goes to Tim Spencer for his thoughts under the article 7th Ward Alderman Democratic primary: Holtschlag aims for 6th term while Hills says he’ll bring ‘passion’ to City Hall. 

Tim wrote, “I’ve thought about this post most of the day. Do I step in the dog shit or walk around it. Apparently I’m stepping in it. I really hope the people commenting on this post live in the 7th ward like I do. Jack has been in this ward for many years. Is that good or bad? Who all has ran against him all these years? What has Jack done for this district that I live in? What hasn’t he done for this district? I do know that he needs to spend time in the neighborhood he lives in and start sending letters out to residents to clean up their property. He does have experience in the political game in this town only because he was given a chance. Now on to Brennan. No he has no experience but he put himself out there to get the experience. I don’t see anyone else stepping up. The 7th Ward includes the downtown. All of Quincy’s eyes seem to be always focused on that area. I for one love our downtown area. The businesses and restaurants are fantastic. The improvements have been phenomenal recently. With that being said it seems that it was a younger generation that got the ball rolling to get that done. However there is more to the 7th Ward than just the downtown area. I live on Adams street and I think there needs to be improvements in my neighborhood as well as other 7th Ward neighborhoods. My needs might be different than someone else’s need. Do we need younger eyes with new ideas and ambitions to get things accomplished? Maybe. Should we judge a book by its cover? I don’t think so.” 

The number of comments in this post that displayed hate made this one stand out. No, we at Muddy River News do not endorse politicians, but we recognize when someone can express their opinions about the candidates without slinging mud or using ad hominem attacks.

The negative comment of the month that gets the Shame Shame Bell could go to a lot of people this month, especially in regards to anything political and party affiliated. But instead, we chose to shine light on a different kind of negativity. Hometown hatred is another common theme found in the comment section. This month’s worst comment goes to Rosie Pryor’s comment under the story FBI, QPD on site of “active” scene in Quincy.”

Rosie wrote, “Quincy is a bad place to live anymore. Almost everyday something happening.” 

The purpose of a raid is to clean up crime. Raids happen everywhere. An FBI raid in Quincy is a rare event. Looking at our hometown with a little more pride might be the first step in cleaning it up.

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