QHS to present ‘Junior Prom!’


The shows for this production are May 12, 13, 14 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are on sale for students at $7 and for adults at $10. Tickets may be purchased at the door or by contacting the music office at 217-224-3774.

QUINCY — Quincy Senior High School’s theatre department presents the farce Junior Prom! this week at the QHS Auditorium.

The shows for this production are May 12, 13, 14 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are on sale for students at $7 and for adults at $10. Tickets may be purchased at the door or by contacting the Music Office at 217-224-3774

Written by James F. Stone, the comedy takes the audience into the Haines family household where 19-year-old Chuck Haines, played by senior Andrew Krus, has been practicing his skills on and old printing press. His practice leaflets which read “Do you think you are insane….? See Dr. Haines!” somehow manage to circulate the town bringing an array of the strange and bizarre to the Haines household.

To make matters worse, a case of the measles causes a quarantine of the entire household…and on prom night. Audiences will roar over the witty dialogue, physical comedy and reminisce about the “good life” of the 1950’s. 

The rest of the Haines family include senior Natalie Newendyke, senior Harrison Knapp, Senior Grace Branch, and sophomore Lily Twaddle. Seniors Alec Eaton and Morgan Widmer, along with sophomore Colin Egbert portray the gang of high school students attending prom with the Haines Children. Freshman Adelaide Teefey and senior Caleb Schinderling round out the cast as the eccentric locals who seek medical attention from the outbreak of measles. Other roles include junior Clara Louthan and Senior Daniel Schild.

This production is under the direction of Meghan Buckley, with senior Landry Edwards serving as student director. Seniors Marissa Peter and Brooke Sohn will co-stage manage the production. 

The cast and crew took some time out from rehearsal to discuss the show.

What is your character’s name?

Caleb Schinderling: Clarence Weeger

Harrison Knapp: Jerome Haines 

Lily Twaddle: Ginny Haines 

Adelaide Teefey: Cassandra Cholmundeley

Marissa Peter: Stage Manager

Alec Eaton and Andrew Krus

Who is your favorite character in the show?

Caleb Schinderling: “I think my favorite character in the show is Jerome because every scene he is in is pretty funny.”

Harrison Knapp: “Cassandra, because everything she does is absolutely unexpected.”

Lily Twaddle: “I really like Olivia because it’s fun whenever she comes on stage, but I also like Jerome because I like working with him on stage.”

Adelaide Teefey: “I like Chuck, I think the little arguments he has with his sister are fun to watch.”

Marissa Peter: “I think I’d have to say Cassandra as well, whenever she comes on stage you never know what’s going to happen.”

Natalie Newendyke and Morgan Widmer

What is your favorite out of context quote?

Caleb Schinderling: “Seeing as how this young lady was here first, maybe you’d like to be alone with her.”

Harrison Knapp: “What would you think of marriage between an older man and a younger woman?”

Lily Twaddle “Like a cow.”

Adelaide Teefey: “You’re so masterful.”

Marissa Peter: “But Willie is so tight.”

Lily Twaddle and Harrison Knapp

What is your favorite memory of this show?

Caleb Schinderling: “Hanging out with the cast and making new friends in the cast, the read through was also a blast.”

Harrison Knapp “I’ve enjoyed the physical comedy and unexpected moments because its hard for everyone not to laugh on stage.”

Lily Twaddle: “There are so many good things that happened during the show I don’t think I could pick.”

Adelaide Teefey: “I think it would have to be when Mrs. Buckley first gave me my stage directions. It was really fun because of what I do on stage.”

Marissa Peter: “Mine is probably Buckley describing the Adelaide the blocking for her scenes, it was pretty fun.”

How has the rehearsal process been?

Caleb Schinderling: “It’s been pretty good; we haven’t been pressed for time in this production and wave kept a healthy pace in time for the show to be great.”

Harrison Knapp: “It feels like we had a quick turnaround it feels like we have gotten pretty far in short amount of time. The rehearsals have been going by fast, it definitely does not over stay its welcome.”

Lily Twaddle: “The rehearsal process has been good; it’s been really fast to me. I think it’s because we were coming directly off New Faces and before that Dear Ruth had just finished, so it’s just been a lot.”

Adelaide Teefey: “Generally it didn’t take long for it to be pretty easily flowing and that’s a good thing.”

Marissa Peter: “Working with the set, in my opinion it’s one of the quickest times that we have put the set together.”

How does it feel this being your last show?

Caleb Schinderling: “Sad, I knew it was going to be sad and I was hoping I would be a part of this play because I wanted just one more show while I’m in high school. I’ve been in many and they’ve all been super rewarding and I hope I can do something else like this after high school.”

Harrison Knapp: “It’s kind of light hearted for the last show, we’ve been having fun with, and it’s been moving fast. It’s a happy note to leave off high school on.”

Marissa Peter: “It’s very surreal, starting this in sophomore year I thought I would get 6 plays, but I only got half of that due to covid. It’s weird to think about and its sad that its already over.”

Was there anything more difficult about this show compared to others?

Caleb Schinderling: “It’s sort of a give and take, a more difficult aspect of this show is the blocking, there’s two or three conversations at a time on stage and the timing of working that out, even after learning your lines is difficult.” 

Harrison Knapp: “It’s a very chaotic show, even if you memorize your lines that’s still only half the battle. You have to work with the other actors on stage and that is sometimes a challenge.”

Lily Twaddle: “The story is very episodic, it’s sometimes hard to know where you are in the story. The lines are also trickier to get down because of the structure of the show.”

Adelaide Teefey: “This is the first show I’ve been cast in, so it’s all new to me. I’d say pantomiming is pretty hard for me.”

Marissa Peter: “Nothing in particular, at least for the crew. Sound might be more difficult with all the different things happening on stage, but I can’t say since I’m not in sound.” 

“Junior Prom!” director Meghan Buckley

Is it bittersweet sending off your seniors?

Buckley: “It is every year, I become really attached to my theatre students and while I’m really excited to see what their futures hold, I’m always sad when this chapter of their life closes.”

What made you pick this show?

Buckley: “I really liked the physical comedy of this show and the fast-paced nature of the show, it moves very quickly. It doesn’t give your mind time to linger because something is always happening, and I think that’s fresh for an audience member.”

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