Community Foundation distributes $238,673 to 61 area nonprofits during ceremony at HLGU

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HANNIBAL, Mo. — The Community Foundation Serving West Central Illinois & Northeast Missouri announced the distribution of $238,673 in grant funding to 61 area nonprofits through its community grant program during a Tuesday morning ceremony at Hannibal-LaGrange University, one of the recipients of this year’s grants.

The grants, totaling 68 in number, have been awarded from 54 funds held at the Community Foundation and will provide crucial support to a diverse range of local charitable interests.

These grants will assist nonprofit organizations dedicated to arts and culture, community betterment, education, health and human services. The funds will support various programs, help with the purchase of essential equipment and supplies and contribute to much-needed operational expenses.

“The need for support in our nonprofit community is greater than ever this year as demonstrated by the record number of 124 grant applications that we received for our community grant program,” Community Foundation Program Officer Kent Embree said in a press release.

“For the past two years, we have been able to exceed more than $200,000 in grants annually to deserving organizations within our 12-county service area through this program. We recognize the profound impact these organizations make in our communities, and we are excited to witness the continued success in their endeavors this year.”

Through the community grant program, the Community Foundation strives to strengthen nonprofit programs which ultimately enhances the quality of life throughout our region. The Community Foundation annually accepts applications for funding from nonprofit organizations in its 12-county region. A grant committee, comprised of board members and volunteers from throughout the region, evaluates each application to determine the awards. 

The funding for these community grants is made possible through earnings from endowment funds. Donors collaborate with the Community Foundation to establish permanent charitable funds that align with their philanthropic goals and the needs of the community. The Community Foundation invests and grows these funds, and each year a portion of the fund’s earnings are distributed as grants while the principal remains intact.

“The donors who establish these funds have diverse goals and intentions, but what ties them together is their love for their community,” Community Foundation CEO Catherine Bocke Meckes said. “We are grateful for our donors’ vision and commitment to West Central Illinois and Northeast Missouri. The greatest impact of their generosity is yet to come. Through endowment, we are preparing our region for a vibrant and prosperous future.”

The following funds supported the 2023 community grant program:

Unrestricted Endowment Funds, support grants for arts and culture, community betterment, education, health and human services in the Community Foundation’s 12-county service area:

  • Anonymous Funds (2)
  • Karl H. & Bobbi Bowles Family and Quincy Farm & Home Supply Company Fund
  • Dr. & Mrs. Merle F. Crossland Family Fund
  • Harry Channon Eaton Family Endowment Fund
  • Angie (Fusselman) Mayes & Evelyn J. Fusselman Fund
  • Harry J. & Bernice M. Wissman Heidbreder Fund
  • Kirk Family Fund – Houston, Carolyn & Carson
  • Carl and Gladys Koehser Family Fund
  • Mrs. Arthur O. Lindsay Fund
  • Robert A. & Anne M. Mays Fund
  • Robert G. and Melva Campbell Riley Fund
  • Charles A. & Nancy Scholz Charitable Fund
  • Margaret J. Sinnock Fund
  • Bette J. Starnes Endowment
  • Jeffrey G. & Theresa L. Spear Fund
  • Grant L. and K. Georgann Sturhahn Fund
  • Dorothy L. Swallow Fund
  • Community Endowment Fund
  • James R. and Katherine H. Williams Fund
  • Carl, Althea & Cathy Wiskirchen Endowment

Field of Interest

  • Blessing Hospital Community Health Fund
  • Jayne & Leroy Boeckelman Fund for Young Musicians
  • Katherine Broemmel Endowment for the Arts
  • Noma Meyers Eaton Fund
  • Paul H. & Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund
  • Grace United Methodist Church of Quincy Fund
  • HOMEBANK of Quincy Fund
  • Jane’s Kids’ Fund
  • Jon’s Home Center Associates Fund
  • G. Arthur (Art) Keller, Jr. Fund
  • Irwin Family Fund
  • Cory Didriksen Lovelace Fund
  • William & Sheila Menke Endowment
  • The Quincy Foundation Fund
  • Quincy Recycle Fund
  • James L. & Dorothy W. Rouner Fund
  • Alan L. Stiegemeier and Mary Ellen Stiegemeier Charitable Fund
  • The Wood Endowment

County Endowment Funds, support nonprofit organizations in a specific county:

  • Adams County Endowment Fund (IL)
  • Brown County Endowment Fund (IL)
  • Hancock County Endowment Fund (IL)
  • Lewis County Endowment Fund (MO)
  • Marion County Endowment Fund (MO)
  • Monroe County Endowment Fund (MO)
  • Pike County Endowment Fund (IL)

Donor Advised Funds, allow a fund advisor to recommend grant recipients. Donor advisors may recommend grants at any time throughout the year, but are encouraged to consider grants in support of competitive grant requests:

  • Betty Schmidt Endowment
  • Green-Humphrey Family Fund for Music
  • Joe and Denette Kuhlman Family Fund
  • T.C. & Mary S. Oakley Descendants Fund
  • Ralph Oakley Family Fund
  • Optimist Club of Quincy Friend of Youth Fund
  • The Zechariah Fund

These are among the 225+ funds at the Community Foundation that support arts and culture, community betterment, education, health or human services.  

This year’s grant recipients are:

OrganizationPurposeGrant Fund(s)
Bella Ease doing business as Quincy Teen REACH Community Care Closet, which provides families with personal hygiene and cleaning products Paul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund
Birthday Blessings Resource support to meet needs of kids in the Missouri foster systemMarion County Endowment Fund; Jane’s Kids’ Fund; Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
Bluff City Theater Support to ensure live, professional theater will survive and thrive in the area for the next generationUnrestricted Endowment Funds 
Bright Futures – Knox County Farmers Market General operating supportUnrestricted Endowment Funds 
Brown County Early Learning Center General operating supportJon’s Home Center Associates Fund 
Canton Public Library Facility improvementsUnrestricted Endowment Funds 
Carthage Park District  Adding a batting cage to the baseball/softball complex in Carthage Hancock County Endowment Fund
Chaddock Children’s FoundationSTEM equipment, including robots and coding software, for students on campus Paul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund; G. Arthur (Art) Keller Jr. Fund
CHART Teen Task Force Safer sexuality education in Northeast Missouri schools Unrestricted Endowment Funds
City of Palmyra, MissouriLeadership training across city departmentsHOMEBANK Fund; Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
Clayton Public Library District  Provide new shelving Betty Schmidt Endowment; Paul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund 
Community for Christ Assistance CenterSidewalk replacement in front of the Assistance CenterPaul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund 
Community for Christ Assistance Center Assistance with rent/ mortgage, utilities, transportation and food in Adams County and the surrounding counties for families in need Brown County Endowment Fund; Grace United Methodist Church of Quincy Fund
Covered Bottoms Diaper Bank   Bridging the diaper gap in West Central IllinoisRalph Oakley Family Fund; Optimist Club of Quincy Friend of Youth Fund 
Coyote HillSupport for monthly Community Groups for local foster familiesMarion County Endowment Fund; Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
Culver-Stockton College – Tri-State DevelopmentSupport for an introduction to economic development workshop for regional leaders Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
FACT: Families and Communities TogetherGeneral operating supportUnrestricted Endowment Funds
Food for Thoughts Hancock County Support for the weekend meal program Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
Girl Scouts of Central Illinois Girl Scout Leadership Experience in Adams, Brown, Hancock, and Pike Counties. Paul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund
Golden Good Shepherd HomePurchase of a new walk-in cooler/freezer unit Betty Schmidt Endowment; Paul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund
Hannibal Arts Council General operating support Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
Hannibal Clinic Health Services Ride Cool bicycle safety event  Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
Hannibal Free ClinicFireproof safe and cyber protection equipment Marion County Endowment Fund; Unrestricted Endowment Funds
Hannibal-LaGrange University Update lighting in Parker Theatre located on campusMarion County Endowment Fund; Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
Heartland Resources, Inc. Nutrition for seniors in Lewis County ages 60+ and disabled adults ages 18+Lewis County Endowment Fund 
Horizons Social Services of Adams CountySupport for Addicts Victorious space, programs, and resources offered at Horizons Grace United Methodist Church of Quincy Fund; James L. and Dorothy W. Rouner Fund 
Horizons Social Services of Adams CountyFood rescue and redistributionPaul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund 
Jensen Camp Foundation Camp scholarships for children Paul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund; Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
Junior Achievement of Greater St. Louis Junior Achievement programming at Quincy’s Baldwin Elementary SchoolOptimist Club of Quincy Friend of Youth Fund; Paul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund; Grace United Methodist Church of Quincy Fund; HOMEBANK of Quincy Fund   
Kairos Hope Expansion of the Human Trafficking Recovery ProgramMonroe County Endowment Fund; Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
Midwest Youth Services  Support for a building expansion to provide additional counseling rooms for services and office space for additional employees Ralph Oakley Family Fund 
Mount Sterling Park District ADA Lift for Joel Oliver Memorial Pool ProjectThe Zechariah Fund 
Muddy River Opera Company  Children’s Opera outreach Green-Humphrey Family Fund for Music 
NorthEast Independent Living Services Durable medical equipment purchaseBlessing Hospital Community Health Fund; Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
OATS Transit Expand transportation services in Clark County and Knox County Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
Pike County Senior Citizen’s Council General operating supportPike County Endowment FundUnrestricted Endowment Funds
Quincy Art CenterGeneral operating supportPaul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund; Noma Meyers Eaton Fund 
Quincy Catholic Charities  Mobile Food Pantry to serve rural communitiesUnrestricted Endowment Funds
Quincy Children’s Museum  Community Outreach supportGrace United Methodist Church of Quincy Fund; Unrestricted Endowment Funds
Quincy Museum, Inc.  General operating supportThe Quincy Foundation Fund 
Quincy Notre Dame Foundation Automated External Defibrillator to ensure the health of students, parents, staff and visitors to QND T.C. and Mary S. Oakley Descendants Fund 
Quincy Public Schools Foundation Quincy Children’s Museum visits to schools within Quincy Public School District Joe and Denette Kuhlman Family Fund; Alan L. Stiegemeier and Mary Ellen Stiegemeier Charitable Fund 
Quincy Public Schools Foundation  General operating supportT.C. and Mary S. Oakley Descendants Fund 
Quincy Society of Fine Arts Free arts education outreachPaul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund; The Quincy Foundation Fund
Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association General operating support Katherine Broemmel Endowment for the Arts 
Quincy Symphony Orchestra Association Youth programs, including Youth Orchestra, Youth Choruses, in-school concerts for children, free admissions to all concerts for children 18 and underJayne and Leroy Boeckelman Fund for Young Musicians; Katherine Broemmel Endowment for the Arts; Irwin Family Fund; Cory Didriksen Lovelace Fund 
Quincy UniversityCollection development and expanded access to digital materials in Brenner Library for the new Electrical and Mechanical Engineering programs Mercantile Endowment Fund T.C. and Mary S. Oakley Descendants Fund 
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Illinois Support for Adams County families when facing medical needs for their children at the Springfield or Peoria Ronald McDonald House Mercantile Endowment Fund; Paul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund 
Salvation Army of Quincy  Hannibal Life Employment Assistance ProgramUnrestricted Endowment Funds 

Salvation Army of Quincy   
Water safety support at the Kroc CenterGrace United Methodist Church of Quincy Fund; William and Sheila Menke Endowment; Jon’s Home Center Associates Fund 
Special Olympics Illinois – Region H Special Olympics Programming for Pike, Adams & Brown CountiesQuincy Recycle Fund; Jon’s Home Center Associates Fund
St. Dominic School  Hands-on arts opportunitiesAlan L. Stiegemeier and Mary Ellen Stiegemeier Charitable Fund 
Teresa Adams House  General operating support Paul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund
The Child Advocacy Center of Northeast MissouriChild abuse prevention education programs for school-aged children and youth living in Northeast Missouri  Marion County Endowment Fund; Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
The Food Bank for Central and Northeast MissouriBuddy Pack Program support to ensure students facing hunger have supplemental nutrition on weekends during the school year Unrestricted Endowment Funds 
The Food Bank for Central and Northeast MissouriLewis County Mobile Food PantryLewis County Endowment Fund 
The Legacy Theater Foundation General operating supportUnrestricted Endowment Funds 
Transitions of Western Illinois Enhancing services for persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities Alan L. Stiegemeier and Mary Ellen Stiegemeier Charitable Fund 
Tri-Township Fire Protection DistrictThermal imaging camera Adams County Endowment Fund; Grace United Methodist Church of Quincy Fund; The Wood Endowment 
Two Rivers Regional Council of Public OfficialsSNAP to Success matching vocational training fundsPike County Endowment Fund; Communityworks Endowment Fund
Two Rivers Resource Conservation and DevelopmentAccess Food Feed the Hungry Program for Pike CountyPike County Endowment FundUnrestricted Endowment Funds 
United Way of Adams County/ KidzPacksFunding to purchase fruit to be disbursed in weekend KidzPacks for students at Quincy Early Childhood and Family Center Ralph Oakley Family Fund
United Way of the Mark Twain AreaStrengthening Missouri nonprofits with leadership training Unrestricted Endowment Funds
United Way of the Mark Twain AreaProblem Solving Collaboration Day for area nonprofits Unrestricted Endowment Funds
Versailles TownshipRenovation to Versailles Community Building Unrestricted Endowment Funds
West Central Child Care ConnectionPurchase books for babies for the “Born Learning” project Paul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund; Grace United Methodist Church of Quincy Fund
YMCA of West Central Illinois – Quincy Family YMCAGeneral operating support Mercantile Endowment Fund; Paul H. and Anne B. Gardner Memorial Fund 
YWCA of Quincy Permanent supportive housing program Ralph Oakley Family Fund

The Community Foundation Serving West Central Illinois & Northeast Missouri builds permanent charitable funds to assist area nonprofits and communities. Its mission, “Connecting people who care with causes that matter,” is achieved by gathering funds, growing them through investments, then granting to nonprofit organizations, causes or communities that mean the most to its donors.   

The Community Foundation has made grants since 1997 totaling more than $15 million in the 12-county service area of Adams, Brown, Hancock and Pike in Illinois and Clark, Lewis, Marion, Ralls, Pike, Knox, Shelby and Monroe in Missouri.  

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