Drake Morganti, left, of Louisiana, Mo., is all concentration during Saturday's Super Kids derby on the 18th Street Hill between Bob Mays Park and Quintron Way. Riding with Morganti is an unidentified "buddy driver." | Photo for Muddy River News by Lisa Wigoda
Sixty-eight competitors took part in Friday’s Super Kids competition in the Quincy Derby.
The Quincy Optimist Club-sponsored event has brought together young racers with physical and mental challenges each June since 2015. Super Kids racers come from West-Central Illinois, Northeast and Southeast Missouri and southeast Iowa.
Champions were crowned in three divisions: Zach Hastings-Hull of Quincy, Luke Lamb of Springfield, Ill., and Tobias Myers of Quincy.
The Quincy Derby continues Saturday with 122 entrants in the Super Stock, Stock and Masters Elite classes, all racing on the 18th Street Hill between Bob Mays Park and Quintron Way.
Below is a gallery of photos from Friday’s Super Kids competition by Lisa Wigoda.
Jacob Ohnemus crouches behind the wheel.Matthew Hess, left, works his way down the 18th Street hill.Bill Mast claps and Jacob Houghton is all smiles before one of his Friday races.Zechariah Eichor, left, prepares to race during the Super Kids derby.Jacob Ohnemus enjoys blowing bubbles while taking a break from racing during the Super Kids derby.Matthew Hess, left, is enjoying his time Friday in the Super Kids derby.Watching the Super Kids races unfold are, from left, Paul Hathaway, Matthew Hess, Melissa Hess and Ella Cain.Jacob Ohnemus, left and buddy driver Jadyn Vogel are ready to roll.Announcer Matt Schmidt, statistician Steve Eighinger and derby computer coordinator Ken Ng watch the action unfold.Bill Mast helps buckle in Kameron Rodemich before a raceJacob Ohnemus peers over the steering wheel.Buddy driver Jadyn Vogel, front, drives Zechariah Eichor during the Super Kids competition.Jacob Ohnemus (left) is all business Friday during a Super Kids race.Drake Morganti, green shirt, races toward the finish line.Zach Hastings-Hull of Quincy holds his first-place trophy from the first phase of Friday’s competition.Lynn Gallagher of LifePoint Church prays before the start of Friday’s second session of Super Kids racers.