DAILY DIRT: Christie Brinkley might be 70, but still looks great. And then there’s David Lee Roth …


Christie Brinkley ... still stunning at 70. — wikimedia commons/David Shankbone

Daily Dirt for Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Age is just a number, right? … Welcome to today’s three thoughts that make up Vol. 955 of The Daily Dirt.

1. Time waits for no man or woman, including the rich and famous.

Here are some celebrities who have turned 70 this year, or soon will:

  • John Travolta: It’s still hard to believe he first rose to prominence on “Welcome Back, Kotter”. Travolta, however, didn’t make the group of A-listers until his roles in “Grease”, “Saturday Night Fever” and “Urban Cowboy” sent him over the top. He hit 70 on Nov. 18.
  • Howard Stern: The shock jock’s radio show has been nationally syndicated since 1986. He’s now on Sirius XM and under contract through 2029. He turned 70 on Jan. 12.
  • Christie Brinkley: I don’t know how the supermodel does it, but Brinkley looks as gorgeous now as she did in the 1970s. She reached 70 on Feb. 2
  • Oprah Winfrey: I can’t remember the world without Oprah, who turned 70 on Jan. 29.
  • Ron Howard: Opie’s really 70? Now I do feel old. No, make that ancient. Howard turned 70 on March 1.
  • Jerry Seinfeld: Jerry just recently joined Club 70 on April 29. 
  • Annie Lennox: The Eurythmics singer will hit 70 on Christmas Day.
  • David Lee Roth: The former Van Halen front man will not reach 70 on Oct. 10, but he already looks every day of 120. Oh well, you might as well “Jump”.
  • Denzel Washington: Two Oscars, three Golden Globes, one Tony … yeah, it’s been quite a career for Mr. Washington, who will be 70 on Dec. 28.
  • Jackie Chan: The only person whose ass Chan (who turned 70 on April 7) can’t kick is Chuck Norris.
  • Al Roker: America’s weatherman reached 70 on Aug. 20.
  • Jermaine Jackson: Michael Jackson’s oldest brother will be 70 on Dec. 11.

For the record, I’m at least a few months older than all of these people. Sigh …

2.  It’s been a few weeks, but we have a new member of the medal stand for the Great Plate Debate of 2024.

One of our submitted entries, UR KIDN, has moved into the bronze medal position, and for the first time in the three-year history of the Great Plate Debate we have seen a plate climb back UP the rankings. US-MALE, which at one point was No. 1, then eventually tumbled to bronze-medal status, is now situated in the silver medal position. It’s the first license plate to ever occupy all three medal positions.

Here’s the medal standings update:

  • Gold medal: CO XIST 
  • Silver medal: US-MALE
  • Bronze medal:  UR KIDN

This week’s special mentions include:

  • U OF I
  • AMERCA 6
  • DER DER 3
  • 21 HUMP
  • 1 MARV
  • SAY CHZ 6

3. Did you know (Part 19) …

That former Superman actor Dean Cain was on the same high school baseball team with Charlie Sheen.

That the late Clarence Clemons of Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Ban was on the same college football team as future Oakland Raiders player and coach Art Shell.

That former heavyweight boxing champs Riddick Bowe and Mike Tyson went to grade school together.

That there are two species of mammals that can sense heat with their noses: dogs and vampire bats. (I’m pretty sure humans can, too. Jus’ sayin’.)

That the No. 1 song in the U.S. 60 years ago today was “Can’t Buy Me Love” by the Beatles.

That actress Gabrielle Union went to high school with — and dated — former NBA great and current Dallas Mavericks coach Jason Kidd. She is married to another former NBA great Dewayne Wade.

Steve Thought O’ The Day — Opie just can’t be 70, can he?

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. He can’t be the same age as Opie, can he?

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