DAILY DIRT: At some point, every dad in the world probably said, ‘Let’s blow this popsicle stand’


Daily Dirt for Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Being a big fan of the old “Gunsmoke” series, I kind of prefer “Let’s get the heck outta Dodge”… Welcome to today’s three thoughts that make up Vol. 891 of The Daily Dirt.

1. Remember when your family may have been visiting some relatives, or possibly you and your dad were just next door talking with a neighbor and pops decided it was time to go?

When a dad is ready to vamoose he rarely says “it’s time to go”. No, that’s one of those times when “dadspeak” comes into play. Think back … how many times did you hear one of the following?

  • “Let’s skedaddle.” 
  • “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
  • “Let’s high-tail it outta here.”
  • “Saddle up, pardners.”
  • “Time to hit the road.”
  • “Let’s get the heck outta Dodge.”
  • “Let’s get this show on the road.”
  • “Let’s rock and roll.”

Next question … how many of those same phrases do you now use? If you’re honest, you will probably smile and think “most of them”. And if that’s the case, you probably had a pretty good dad. So … let’s skedaddle to thought No. 2.

2. If you ever think you’ve had a bad day or a run of bad luck, just remember the story of Adolphe Sax.

Little Adolphe was born in 1814, in Belgium. Early in his life he started having horrible things happen to him, and that run of bad luck simply never seemed to end.

As a youngster, Adolphe once fell out of a third-story window, slamming his head into the ground and was believed dead.

But he survived.

Adolphe later was hit in the head with a thrown brick.

But he survived.

Adolphe once swallowed a needle and drank a bowl of acidic water, having mistaken it for milk. His insides were severely burned.

But he survived.

Oh, we’re not done yet.

Adolphe also suffered severe burns on his outsides when he fell on to a stove and he once almost drowned while swimming. 

Did I mention he also survived a huge gun-powder explosion?

Despite all of these calamities, Adolphe managed to have time to invent and refine the saxophone. He also invented the bass clarinet in a fashion still used to the present day.

And most remarkably? Somehow, Adolphe lived to the ripe old age of 79.

3. Here’s some more funny baseball names to add to our ever-growing list.

These deal mainly with body parts:

  • Greg Legg
  • Ed Head
  • Neck Stanley
  • Boob Fowler
  • Johnny Dickshot
  • Tungsten Arm O’Doyle
  • Butts Wagner
  • Footer Johnson

Steve Thought O’ The Day — Although former MLB pitcher Dennis “Oil Can” Boyd doesn’t qualify for the body parts nickname list, his is equally memorable. What most folks may not realize, however, is Boyd’s parents also had great nicknames: Sweetie and Skeeter. Few knew Boyd’s parents by their given names of Girtharae and Willie.

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. Is a dickshot a body part?

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