Daily Dirt: But what I do have are a very particular set of skills…are you going to eat your tots?

Daily Dirt for Aug. 25, 2021

As promised yesterday, here are my top five movie quotes from films since 2000.
- If you missed Nos. 6-10, just go back to the previous Daily DIrt. If you’re up to date, welcome to Vol. 47:
5. “… But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.” — Liam Neeson, “Taken” (2008). This is the movie that launched Neeson’s second career as an an older action star. Think modern-day “Gladiator”.
4. “You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.” — Leonardo DiCaprio, “Django Unchained” (2012). DiCaprio plays the weasel-ish Calvin J. Candie, a memorable character, but the star of this acclaimed film is Jamie Foxx, who is Django in this revisionist western directed by Quentin Tarantino. The movie was nominated for an Academy Award as best film.
3. “You gonna eat your tots?” — Jon Heder, “Napoleon Dynamite” (2004). This classic film was made for around $400,000 and grossed almost $50 million. Numerous one-liners from this movie spawned a cottage industry of T-shirts with some of its memorable bits of dialogue. Anyone remember those “Vote for Pedro?” T-shirts? Yep, that was this movie, too.
2. “You’re my boy, Blue!” — Will Ferrell, “Old School” (2003). First, a side note about this movie. My wife Kathy and I saw this movie in the theater 18 years ago and we laughed so hard on the way home I nearly wrecked the family car on Maine Street. And if memory serves correct, it was this line we were guffawing at. There were a number of hilarious quotes to emerge from “Old School,” but this one will always be closest to my funny bone. Blue was Patrick Cranshaw, an octogenarian willing to subject himself to some high-level college hazing.
1. “King Kong ain’t got shit on me!” — Denzel Washington, “Training Day” (2001). First of all, Denzel is a bad guy in this film. I know, I know, that’s just not right. But it worked, and it worked quite well. And so did this line.
2. Moms are important. That’s a given. TV moms are important, too. Here’s one man’s breakdown:
The best: Phylicia Rashad, who was Clair Huxtable on “The Cosby Show.” She was an attorney, a mother of five and wife to a doctor. Her character was a strong figure who played a prominent role in the family equation, yet also came across as a warm, caring person — the perfect mom.
Underrated: Wendy McLendon-Covey as Beverly Goldberg (“The Goldbergs”). She is absolutely the only bright spot on this unbelievably annoying program.
Overrated: The character of June Cleaver, portrayed by the late Barbara Billingsley, contributed zilch to “Leave it to Beaver.” Let’s be honest, The Beav ran that household.
3. High school football season opens Friday night across the region. Here are some thoughts about what makes this time of the year special:
“Success isn’t owned, it’s leased. And rent is due every day.” — J.J. Watt.
“The most valuable player is one who makes the most players valuable.” — Peyton Manning.
“I have to yet to be in a game where luck was involved.” — Urban Meyer.

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. He can’t handle the truth.
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