DAILY DIRT: Cancer may have claimed young Mo, but his spirit will always live on


Mo Gaba — Courtesy of the Baltimore Ravens

Daily Dirt for Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024

The Ravens’ end zone will always spell out a tribute to the youngster who loved the team … Welcome to today’s three thoughts that make up Vol. 1,112 of The Daily Dirt.

1. I would guess most readers today have never heard of the late Mo Gaba. It’s an honor to tell his story.

Mo was diehard fan of the Baltimore Ravens and Baltimore Orioles. Brain cancer claimed Mo at the tender age of 14 in 2020, but neither team has never forgotten him.

After Mo had passed, both clubs honored him with a number of special tributes, but the Ravens eventually decided on one lasting acknowledgement of the youngster’s dedication to their team.

Next time the Ravens are on TV and are playing at home, take a look in the end zone with “BALTIMORE” spelled out. The team has the “MO” portion of Baltimore painted in a distinct color. The tribute was even included in the popular Madden NFL 23 game.

Mo’s impact on the Ravens players and coaches was also well known.”The world has lost a beautiful spirit and a shining light,” Ravens coach John Harbaugh said after Gaba’s passing. “With his infectious laugh, amazing love of life and love of Baltimore sports, Mo captured the hearts of not only our organization, but the entire state of Maryland.” Mo battled cancer four different times in his all-too-brief life, finally losing that battle four years ago. But his infectious spirit will live on at every home game the Ravens play.

2. Did you know (Part 185)

  • That the last death by guillotine in France was in 1977, the same year “Stars Wars” debuted. Think about that for awhile.
  • That the British word for gasoline is “petrol”.
  • That the British word for French fries is “chips”.
  • That the British word for diaper is “nappy”.
  • That Mountain Dew recently announced it’s changing its logo to offer a more vintage feel, steering away from its current sharper lines and geometrical shapes to curvier angles and smoother edges, reminiscent of the company’s past designs. This new logo is a big deal for Mountain Dew, which hasn’t updated the logo since 2009. 

3. This week’s best of “Found on Facebook”

  • “Going for a walk because I want to stay healthy. Taking a bag of M&Ms because let’s be honest here … “
  • “Day 12 without chocolate: Lost hearing in my left eye.”
  • “Eat alphabet soup, have a vowel movement.”
  • “How to parallel park: Park somewhere else.”
  • “When someone says I expected more of you, I’m always like, ‘Well, who’s fault is that?”

Steve Thought O’ The Day — Never laugh at your best friend’s choices, you are one of them … or so I’ve heard.

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. How have we not had a review of the season premiere of Yellowstone yet?

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