DAILY DIRT: Have you ever been around that person who literally uses the word ‘literally’ in every conversation?

Actually, this is amazing…Welcome to Vol. 503 of The Daily Dirt.
1. Have you ever been around a good friend, a sometimes acquaintance or a complete stranger who overuses certain words or phrases?
Yep, me too.
Here are the three annoying words that I think are being used way too much these days. Way-y-y-y too much.
1. “Literally”: How in the world did this become the No. 1 “filler adverb” in the universe? When I hear someone say this now, I want to pull out what remaining hair I have. Literally.
2. “Actually”: Actually, this could easily be No. 1.
3. “No-brainer”: I’m pretty sure this counts as one word. The hyphen is the tie that binds.
Honorable mention: “Awesome.” Or it’s first cousin, “amazing.”
2. This is one of our theme days, and this second thought we’re moving directly to most annoying phrases.
My choices:
1. “Giving 110 percent.”: Of course, that is physically impossible, yet it’s a phrase that refuses to go away.
2. “At the end of the day”: At the end of day, I will no longer be giving 110 percent. Probably around 60 to 65 percent.
3. “Think outside the box”: If I were literally (there’s that word) in a box, I’d be doing more than just thinking about getting outside it.
Honorable mention: “On the same page.” How about … “since we’re thinking alike”
Honorable mention II: “It is what it is.” Yes, it (literally) is what it is, and will always be.
Honorable mention III: “Nine times out of 10”. Whenever I hear this, I’m immediately interested in that 10th time.
3. This week’s best from the “Found on Facebook” archives:
- “Star Wars toilet paper. To clean your dark side.”
- “The other day I held a door open for a clown. It was a nice jester.”
- “A couple of cows were smoking a joint and playing cards. That’s right, the steaks were pretty high.”
- “Your fingers have fingertips, but your toes don’t have toetips. And you can tiptoe, but not tip finger.”
- “I don’t get nearly enough credit in life for the things I manage not to say.”
- “If I refuse to nap, is that resisting a rest?”
Steve Thought O’ The Day — If I had a pet termite, I would name it Clint Eatswood. (Go ahead, read it again.)

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. Baseball will be here soon.
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