DAILY DIRT: It’s Valentine’s Day, and that means it’s time for the return of Stevie Love!


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Daily Dirt for Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023

Yes, love is truly in the air, and Stevie Love is back at the keyboard … Welcome to today’s three thoughts that make up Vol. 528 of The Daily Dirt.

Ahhh … Valentine’s Day, when our hearts beat a bit faster when we think about the one we love.

(Or the fact spring training is starting. Take your pick.)

This is also the time when that visitor from afar returns — yes, Stevie Love, the potentate of passion, the emperor of embrace, the rajah of romance. Since 2008, he’s been here for Valentine’s Day providing real answers for real issues.

Let’s get started with the mailbag:

Dear Stevie,

Judging by the commercials I am seeing on TV and the conversations my husband, Farley, is having with his buddies I can tell NASCAR and dirt-track racing are right around the corner. I try to be a good wife, but sometimes I just get tired of the vroom, vroom sound coming from the television every weekend.

Would it really be too much to ask of Farley if he would take a walk in the park with me, or go down to the lock and dam and watch the eagles? Or maybe just the two of us on a Saturday evening going to Maid Rite for one of those mega sandwiches and an order of onion straws?

— Upset in Ursa

Dear Upset:

Good news for you! NASCAR is off the weekend of June 17-18! Start making plans now. Get that reservation in at Maid Rite!

Dear Dr. Love,

My husband, Donnie Mack, made me feel like a million bucks the other day when he said we were going out to eat for Valentine’s Day — and then he asked me if I wanted to drive through McDonald’s or Burger King. Should I be upset or grateful?

— Perplexed in Payson

Dear Perplexed,

I understand your feelings. How about this — ask Donnie Mack if you two can go inside at McDonald’s or Burger King, bring one of those checkered tablecloths from home, plus some of the good silverware, and bingo! A night out with the big boy!

Dear Mr. Love,

Every year for Valentine’s Day my boyfriend, Earl, buys a huge box of candy for me. You know, those kind shaped like a big, red, giant heart. Well, before he gives it to me he always eats all of the coconut clusters and some other choice pieces. He leaves all of the crappy creme-filled dark chocolate ones for me. Should I be mad?

— Kelleigh in Kinderhook

Dear Kellleigh,

First of all, that’s a great way to spell your name. Congrats to your parents! Secondly, did he leave any of the chocolate-covered cherries? If not, you have a legitimate complaint.

Dear Stevie,

I try my hardest to be a great wife for my husband of 19 years, LaRue, but I’m beginning to wonder if he really appreciates me. I do all of the yardwork, clean out the gutters, keep the garage tidy, mow and rake the yard in the summer and shovel snow all winter. I also have a great supper ready for him every night. Just once I would like to hear how grateful he is. Is that asking too much?

— Myra in Palmyra

Dear Myra,

Holy cow, Myra. You sound like a wonderful woman, the perfect wife. The least LaRue can do is buy you a snow blower. There’s no sense in you having to shovel all that snow in freezing weather.

Dear Stevie,

I was married for 10 years. We had two kids and all was well on the surface, but I wasn’t happy. We were so broke, and my husband wasn’t even trying. I thought I could live on my own and be happy. We separated. Luckily, I managed to get a job, and life seemed good. I have tried to date but it’s not working. I keep falling for unavailable men. I don’t have feelings for my ex-husband. What is wrong with me? I am a simple woman who just wants to be happy with a good man.

— Peyton in Clayton

Dear Peyton,

Another great name! Props to your parents! Back to your problem … I’d suggest to start watching ESPN and dropping SportsCenter catch phrases at work or in a crowded aisle at HyVee. That’s kind of an automatic guy magnet. Mr. Perfect is out there just waiting for you to say. “He shoots! He scores!” I’ll be looking for an invitation to the wedding.

Dear Doc,

I’m in my 60s and have been online dating for some time with some success. I’ve had a lot of dates but few long-term relationships. I never quite know how to respond to this kind of message: “I really like your profile, I’d love to continue this conversation, but life is busy right now and I’ll get back to you in a few weeks when things slow down.” In the back of my mind, I’m thinking to myself, how busy can you be? My life is busy too, but it just takes a few minutes to send a note. I mean, the whole point of online dating is to meet someone. What should my response be?

— Chloe in Kahoka

Dear Chloe,

Patience is the key. Rome wasn’t built in a day and the Cleveland Guardians have not won a World Series since 1948. Rome was eventually built and the Guardians are getting close. That certain someone will pop up some day when you least expect it. While you’re waiting, just sit back and listen to that Luther Ingram classic, “If Lovin’ You Is Wrong I Don’t Wanna Be Right.”

Hopefully, some of this advice has helped. Until next time, this is Stevie Love hoping all of your love affairs are eventful.

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. Leave it to him to talk about affairs on Valentine’s Day.

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