DAILY DIRT: Mickey Dolenz went to high school with Tom Selleck … OK, so that beats my claim to fame


Daily Dirt for Friday, Sept. 13, 2024

The Hoff and Pee Wee Herrman were also old school mates … Welcome to today’s three thoughts that make up Vol. 1,058 of The Daily Dirt

1. Did you go to high school or college with anyone famous?

I think my biggest claim to fame was attending high school with a buddy who wound up owning the biggest used car lot in my hometown. Great guy, great businessman, but as far as “famous,” I think he probably fell a little short of that title.

Which brings me to today’s topic of famous school friends. I would wager you probably were unaware of the following connections:

  • Mickey Dolenz of the Monkees went to high school with future leading man Tom Selleck of “Blue Bloods” and “Magnum P.I.” fame.
  • Super Bowl-winning coach Jimmy Johnson attended high school with the late Janis Joplin.
  • Danny DeVito went to drama school with Michael Douglas. They must have been good students, judging by their successful acting careers.
  • The actor Christopher “Superman” Reeve attended Julliard with future comic great Robin Williams.
  • Actors Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen and Robert Downey Jr. all attended high school together.
  • Future actors David Hasselhoff and Paul “Pee Wee Herman” Reubens attended art school together. Never, ever hassle The Hoff. Never.
  • Comedian Rick Moranis went to elementary school with musician Geddy Lee of Rush. They were Canadian, eh?
  • Singers Carole King and Paul Simon attended college together.
  • Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, went to elementary school with the late Matthew Perry of “Friends”.
  • Actress Kelly Preston attended high school with a guy named Barack Obama.
  • Musicians Lenny Kravitz and Slash went to high school with actor Nicolas Cage
  • Brandon “Superman” Routh attended high school with Jason “Aquaman” Momoa. Seems appropriate.
  • Future comedian Kevin James went to high school with future pro wrestler Mick Foley.
  • And for all you oldtimers reading, Bette Davis and Lucille Ball attended high school together.

2. Did you know (Part 121)

  • That Mountain Dew contains orange juice, even though it tastes like a lemon/lime soda.
  • That jam is made with fruit (hence, the chunkiness) and jelly with fruit juice (hence, the non-chunkiness).
  • That Thomas Jefferson introduced macaroni and cheese to American palates.
  • That the cream in Twinkies is not cream at all, but mostly vegetable shortening.
  • That sheep brains are a culinary delicacy in Turkey and China.
  • That the new World Baseball Rankings look like this: 1. Japan, 2. Mexico, 3. Chinese Taepei, 4. United States, 5. Venezuela, 6. South Korea, 7. The Netherlands, 8. Cuba, 9. Panama and 10. Dominican Republic. Rankings are based primarily on international tournaments.
  • Enough Nutella is sold/eaten each year to cover the Great Wall of China — eight times.

3. This week’s celebrity birthdays include:

  • Former NFL quarterback Dan Marino, who turns 63 on Sunday.
  • Prince Harry (the husband of Meghan Markle), who will be 40, also on Sunday
  • Actor Mickey Rourke celebrates No. 72 on Monday.
  • Actor-musician Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers band turns 32, also on Monday.
  • Illusionist David Copperfield will be 68 on — you guessed it — Monday.

Steve Thought O’ The Day — Have you looked at the calendar today? It’s Friday the 13th!

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. He is avoiding mirrors, ladders and black cats today.

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