Daily Dirt: Remembering good ole Leatherface, Hannibal Lecter, Norman Bates and plenty of others


Daily Dirt for Jan. 23, 2022

Was anyone whoever watched that original “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” NOT scared half to death? … that and more warm-and-cozy thoughts that make up Vol. 191 of the Daily Dirt.

1. They are the characters we love to hate, those movie villains whose dastardly deeds actually make us smile — or in some cases, outright cringe.

And maybe, just maybe, lose a night or two of sleep … Here are 10 of my favorite villains from the silver screen:

  • Leatherface, “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (1974): Some 48 years later, this remains one of the scariest and creepiest films I have ever watched. The original Leatherface was portrayed by Gunnar Hansen. FYI — Leatherface’s actual name in the film was Jedidiah Sawyer.
  • Hannibal Lecter, “Silence of the Lambs” (1991): Speaking of creepy, Anthony Hopkins deserves a spot in the Creepy Hall of Fame for his role as Hannibal Lecter. But I do love it when he says, “Clarice … “
  • Amon Goeth, “Schindler’s List” (1993): Still one of the most disturbing films I have ever seen, and Ralph Fiennes’ World War II character is one of the principal reasons.
  • Norman Bates, “Psycho” (1960): I first saw this Alfred Hitchcock classic when in grade school and I don’t think I slept for a week. Anthony Perkins is mesmerizing as Norman Bates.
  • Hans Gruber, “Die Hard” (1988): Alan Rickman is one of my all-time favorite character actors, and his villainous role in this Bruce Willis classic is one of the reasons.
  • Bill “The Butcher” Cutting, “Gangs of New York” (2002): This Martin Scorsese epic brought light to an era of U.S. violence few knew much about until Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz helped bring it to life.
  • Alex Forrest, “Fatal Attraction” (1987): Glenn Close was one evil woman in this film, a part she was perfect for, considering some of her other major roles: Marquise de Merteuil in “Dangerous Liaisons,” Cruella De Vil in “101 Dalmatians” and Dr. Caroline Caldwell in “The Girl With All The Gifts”.
  • Annie Wilkes, “Misery” (1990): Remember the scene with the sledge hammer? Me, too. Kathy Bates will forever be remembered for this role.
  • Rosa Klebb, “From Russia With Love” (1963): Lotte Lenya is an actress who has arguably never received her villainess due in James Bond movie circles. Her Klebb character is a ferocious adversary. but is often overshadowed by Robert Shaw’s Red Grant.
  • Auric Goldfinger, “Goldfinger” (1964).: It was Goldfinger who uttered one of the most memorable lines in all of James Bond-om, “No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die!” Goldfinger was portrayed by Gert Frobe.

2. Some more advertising slogans that those who were in charge should have reviewed a little closer:

Bad: “Open your snack hole”. Thanks, McDonald’s.

Worse: “Nothing Sucks Like An Electrolux”. Someone just HAD to lose their job over this slogan at Electrolux vacuums.

Worst: “I Take A Sheet In The Pool”. Sheet is a company that provides little dissolvable sheets that you put on your tongue which give you energy.

3. Some more of our favorite license plates in West-Central Illinois and Northeast Missouri … here are today’s winners:

Gold medal: SAY CHZ 6. If these plates belong to someone besides a photographer I’ll buy J. Robert Gough lunch.

Silver medal: NUM 10. A Chicago Cubs backer who was probably was a huge Ron Santo fan. Whaddya think?

Bronze medal: DJ DJ 97. Repetition repetition is is always always entertaining entertaining on on a a license license plate plate.

Steve Fact O’ The Day Steve has always wanted to have the license plates that read STEVE OH.

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. He’s too nice to be a super villain.

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