DAILY DIRT: ‘This kind of heat would fry an egg inside the chicken’


According to the Library of Congress, it's possible, but not probable, that you could fry an egg on a sidewalk during a hot day. Eggs need to reach a temperature of 158*F to cook through. Sidewalks can usually get up to 145*F. The hotter the day, the more likely your egg will fry.

Daily Dirt for Tuesday, July 25, 2023

This will undoubtedly be a week that tests most of our air conditioners ... Welcome to today’s three thoughts that make up Vol. 677 of The Daily Dirt.

1. So … just how hot will it get in the coming days?

As I am writing this, I see the forecast for the max temperatures this week are OVER 100 degrees for Thursday and Friday, and between now and Sunday each day should reach a minimum of 91.

Here are three medal-worthy quotes concerning the current situation:

Gold medal:“The heat index is somewhere in between OMG and WTF.” — Unknown. 

Silver medal: ““God, it was hot! Forget about frying an egg on the sidewalk; this kind of heat would fry an egg inside the chicken.” –― writer Rachel Caine.

Bronze medal:“It’s so hot, even my fake plants are wilting.” — author Linda Solegato.

Concerning hot temperatures, here is the highest ever recorded in Illinois:

On the morning of July 14, 1954, residents of southern Illinois arose to face yet another scorching day of 100‐degree heat. By late afternoon, East St. Louis was nearly burned off the map when it reached 117 degrees — the hottest temperature ever recorded in the Land of Lincoln.

And for those wondering, the record for Missouri is:

On July 14, 1954 the hottest temperature ever recorded for Missouri occurred in both Warsaw and Union — a steamy 118.

(In case you didn’t notice, the record for both Illinois and Missouri occurred on the same day.)

2. Seriously, when is McDonald’s going to reinstate the all-day breakfast menu?

3. Here’s some news that might be surprising to some, startling for others.

The following stars once worked as strippers prior to gaining their on-screen fame, according to definition.org:

Brad Pitt: He was one of seven guys who made up “Dancing Bares,” a stripping troupe at the University of Missouri.

Lada Gaga: She said an earlier career as a strip-tease artist on the lower east side of Manhattan was more lucrative than waitressing.

Cardi B: Before she was selling out stadiums and rocking the stage on “Saturday Night Live,” Cardi B was a stripper. The hip-hop star began dancing onstage in strip clubs at the age of 18, and retired at 23 when she became a social media personality. 

Steve Thought O’ The Day — Once the temperature gets above 90, does another five or 10 degrees really matter?

Steve Eighinger writes daily for Muddy River News. He would not eat an egg fried on a sidewalk.

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