Duncan: No matter what, I am the mom

Sometimes I’m the mom who gathers with them at the table with all the construction paper, craft glue, glitter, and stickers …
Actually, never mind. I’m never that mom. I just send them to children’s church for crafts. If you don’t know this about me already, I hate crafts. I mean, I’m not against them. I just don’t want to do them.
Thankfully my kids moved on from crafts and children’s church a few years ago. Now we teach children’s church together, and Logan is in charge of the crafts. I don’t want to do them with other peoples’ kids either.
Sometimes I’m a caring and compassionate mom who rushes to their side with sweet words and encouragement to help them to their feet. Other times I’m the one tells them to suck it up and stand on their own two feet.
Sometimes I’m funny. Sometimes I’m embarrassing.
Sometimes I think I’m funny, and they think I’m embarrassing.
Sometimes I’m a hot mess tearing up the house for the set of keys that are jingling in my pocket. Other times, I can pull out paperwork from 1992 that’s been sitting in the drawer since … you guessed it … 1992.
Sometimes I’m put together. Sometimes I’m just falling apart and hoping no one notices.
Sometimes I’m enough. Sometimes I’m just not.
But always and no matter what.
I’m the mom.
And I thank God for that.
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