Letter to the Editor: Congresswoman throws support behind Allen, Randolph, Kaufmann

Allen Randolph Kaufmann

From left, Jeremy Allen, Ashley Randolph and Tory Kaufmann | Submitted photo

On April 4, Quincy will have the opportunity to elect three outstanding champions for parental rights in education: Jeremy Allen, Ashley Randolph and Tory Kaufmann. 

The disastrous COVID lockdown mandates have proven how important it is for parents to have a voice in their children’s education. Tyrannical governors and unelected bureaucrats locked children down with horrible results for their education and mental health. In the face of unprecedented lockdowns, parents across the nation protested for their students to be able to continue their education despite the dictates of Dr. Fauci and tyrannical governors like JB Pritzker. These parents have brought a call for sweeping change across our country, and we are seeing tremendous candidates like Allen, Randolph, and Kaufmann stand up and answer the call.

Along with the COVID lockdowns, parents have been confronted with the fact that radical gender and sexual ideology is increasingly being taught in public schools. Oftentimes, this material is taught with no knowledge or consent from the parents. We have seen a concerted and dangerous effort from some in the radical left who claim that children do not belong to parents but rather to the government. This would mean that they should be taught whatever the latest theory is from the gender studies departments of our most liberal universities. This way of thinking is dangerous, but unfortunately, it is being pushed by many in D.C. and Springfield.

We need school boards who will stand with parents. We need men and women who will take the slings and arrows from the radical left to protect the children they were elected to serve. Jeremy Allen, Ashley Randolph and Tory Kaufmann will stand with parents and will fight for true education in our schools, not indoctrination. 

An education is one of the most precious things a child will receive in his or her lifetime. It allows them to become a self-governing member of society and one day lead their own families. Parents are the best people to oversee a child’s educational development. They have a unique God-given bond with their child and understand their needs better than anyone. That is why we need school board officials who will work with parents, who will respect the value of a true education and will stand against the ever-increasing pressure from radicals seeking to push woke indoctrination onto children.

Jeremy Allen, Ashley Randolph and Tory Kaufmann have my full support. I urge you to support them with your vote on April 4.

Congresswoman Mary Miller
Oakland, Illinois

EDITOR’S NOTE: Any letters regarding the April 4 election must be received by Muddy River News at the end of the business day on Friday, March 31.

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