Letter to the Editor: Former superintendent says current School Board is best since he started in district

As a career educator in the Quincy Public School system, including four years as superintendent, I’ve seen school boards run the gamut of effectiveness. Our current board is the best board during and since my time in the district.
After graduating from Quincy College, I began teaching in Quincy Public Schools in 1963. Thirty years of teaching, coaching and administration prepared me for completing my career as the superintendent of schools until retiring in 1997. The relationship between superintendent and school board is unique. As professional educators, the superintendent and other district leaders must have strong trust with his/her board and be able to make recommendations for their consideration. Often, school board members are community members with little educational experience outside of their own education. They must rely on the expertise of the district leaders. The trust between board and superintendent is crucial to its effectiveness.
The Quincy School Board members during the past 10 years have shown incredible fiscal responsibility. The $89 million bond referendum to build five new elementary schools and additions to the high school remained on time and were completed under budget. The entirety of the funding was accomplished through the sales of bonds and did not require an increase in local property taxes.
An added benefit to Quincy taxpayers by the current board has been the reduction in the property tax since that time from $4.13 to $3.98 currently. This district leadership and its board also will complete the renovations to the new central services building without raising property taxes. Combining the transportation locations to a single site and adding both maintenance and technology departments will create even more efficiency for the district.
I also want to urge my friends in the parochial schools to vote in this election. You may believe this election does not directly affect you and your child’s education. A strong school system helps attract new businesses and helps with the recruitment of new professionals in our community. There are many shared services supported by the current board between the public and private school systems in Quincy. Your vote matters!
Please join me in voting for Shelley Arns, Jim Whitfield, Curtis Sethaler and Latonya Brock in the April 4 election. They have earned my confidence and my vote.
George Meyer
Quincy, Illinois
EDITOR’S NOTE: Any letters regarding the April 4 election must be received by Muddy River News at the end of the business day on Friday, March 31.
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