Letter to the Editor: Is upcoming movie thriller an omen of things to come?


Upon viewing the trailer for the soon-to-be released film, “Civil War,” written and directed by Alex Garland, I pondered the current state of political dysmorphia in which we find our country today.  

As if COVID had not been isolating enough, the constant redefinition of who belongs in America — and who doesn’t — is ever present in our society today. One scene in the trailer that spoke volumes to me was when a standoff occurred between armed militia members and journalists.

The journalist states to one of the armed men, “We’re all Americans, right?”  

To which the reply was, “Yeah, but what kind?” 

I experienced an interesting interaction at a local watering hole. A person I didn’t know felt my presence was prime for ridicule, purely for the reason that my pigment was not as pearlescent as his own. As a mental health professional, I’ve learned not to engage with these personalities, so I gauged my response accordingly and let the incident roll off my back.

Upon viewing the trailer, I wondered if these things might be a foretelling of what’s to come. During the eight years I served in the military, the 11 years I gave in the fire service before moving to Quincy, and the 54 years I’ve spent on this planet, I’ve learned Americans come in all shapes, sizes and shades. Being an American is a privilege, a gift. What you do with that gift defines what kind of American you are.

If you curse those who don’t look/act/talk/love like you do, then run to the first pew on Sunday, what kind of American are you?  

Perhaps it’s time for us to examine that as a nation before a movie becomes reality.

Mark C. Philpot
Quincy, Illinois

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