Remember, remember the 5th of November…


Hugo Weaving in "V for Vendetta" (2005) Silver Pictures

Some people call Guido “Guy” Fawkes a terrorist. Some an anarchist. Some a revolutionary. Some a Catholic freedom fighter.

His image has been co-opted by various movements and causes. I’m sure most of them have no idea of what the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 actually was.

My friend, William Orr, is British, and when he and his family lived in Quincy, they celebrated Guy Fawkes Day and our family was invited. I loved the “V for Vendetta” comic and movie and I would harass Will for persecuting Catholics, of which I am one.

Here’s the poem which the Brits use to honor the day. It doesn’t flatter Guy and his friends:

Remember, remember!  
    The fifth of November, 
    The Gunpowder treason and plot; 
    I know of no reason 
    Why the Gunpowder treason 
    Should ever be forgot! 
    Guy Fawkes and his companions 
    Did the scheme contrive, 
    To blow the King and Parliament 
    All up alive. 
    Threescore barrels, laid below, 
    To prove old England’s overthrow. 
    But, by God’s providence, him they catch, 
    With a dark lantern, lighting a match! 
    A stick and a stake  
    For King James’s sake! 
    If you won’t give me one, 
    I’ll take two, 
    The better for me, 
    And the worse for you. 
    A rope, a rope, to hang the Pope, 
    A penn’orth of cheese to choke him, 
    A pint of beer to wash it down, 
    And a jolly good fire to burn him. 
    Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the bells ring! 
    Holloa, boys! holloa boys! God save the King! 
    Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!

Seems harsh.

Robert Catesby was actually the mastermind of it all. Poor Guy was just the one caught in the cellar…with the gunpowder.

The arrest of Guy Fawkes (Britannica)

From the HBO miniseries “Gunpowder” synopsis: The story focuses on Catesby (Kit Harrington from Game of Thrones), a committed Catholic at a time when Protestant England persecuted Catholics relentlessly, as his refusal to abandon his religion brings him to the edge of financial, social and psychological ruin. Mark Gatiss (Game of Thrones, Sherlock) plays Robert Cecil, King James’ spymaster, who directs efforts to hunt down, torture and kill priests, while rank-and-file Catholics are subject to oppression and the loss of their property.

So when you see the mask…now you know a little bit behind it.

J. Robert Gough is the Publisher/GM of Muddy River News.

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