Story on Webb’s reasons for reversing course from Hannibal job was accurate

In a Facebook post after Muddy River News reported Roy Webb’s decision to not take the Hannibal superintendent job, Webb took to social media Sunday to defend his actions. He said MRN’s story was “fairly accurate” but “did leave a few gaps in the statement.”
As not to take the former Quincy and almost Hannibal superintendent out of context (which wasn’t done in the first place), here is the entirety of his Facebook post.

MRN disagrees with his stance. There were no gaps of any substance. The story accurately reflected Webb’s letter without posting it in its entirety. But, in the spirit of transparency, you can read Webb’s resignation letter that he said was meant for only the eyes of the Hannibal School Board (per his post):
Below is MRN’s story. The colors show which parts of the story were taken from Webb’s statement.
If you believe MRN’s report did not accurately reflect Webb’s decision to renege on his signed contract with the Hannibal School District, we apologize. But Muddy River News is not Webb’s stenographer as he expected, and usually received, from other Quincy media when he ran the schools here. Our job is to report the events of the day, and we believe we did that accurately and fairly — as we always strive to do.
Webb inherited a Quincy School District that had just passed a referendum to build new schools. Then as he planned to retire, COVID hit. To his credit, he stayed through the bulk of that whole mess. Let’s face it: no one was going to be happy with how anyone handled any of that, as no one really knew what the hell was going on.
Quincy Public Schools, like most school districts, was flush with federal cash for COVID relief during the end of Webb’s tenure in the Gem City. When he looked at Hannibal’s books, having never dealt with a financial crisis before, he retreated. He didn’t want to be the bad guy who was cutting jobs and not filling positions.
As far as his complaint about open meetings and split board votes … well, that’s how democracy works. Webb did not like it when dozens of people showed up at Quincy School Board meetings to question him and the School Board about how they were handling the pandemic.
A board not taking a superintendent’s recommendation is called “the boss is kicking your idea back in your lap and saying try again.” The superintendent works for the board, not the other way around.
Webb’s idea of not liking the Hannibal School Board’s “climate” sounds like he wanted the same way he had it in Quincy: with a rubber stamp school board.
Here’s wishing Webb the best in retirement. He has plenty of pensions to fall back on.
Let’s hope he just learns to relax.
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