Letter to the Editor
I’m writing about the article about Mary Griffith’s gesture at the Quincy City Council meeting when Mr. (Steve) Homan made comments about the 2020 election. The article went out of its way to refute any issues regarding the 2020 presidential election. As far as judges ruling on allegations regarding voter fraud, they did not for…
Read Full Article I am writing to voice my full support for Dan Brink for mayor of Quincy. I have known Dan for a number of years and served with Dan on the Quincy City Council for his entire eight-year term. When we served on the City Council together, Dan and I did not agree on every issue.…
Read Full Article I would like to thank the Safe and Livable Housing Committee (SLHC) for organizing the discussion on housing Tuesday night at First Christian Church. Six primary candidates took the time to answer questions from a panel that included representatives from the NAACP, SLHC, Q-RILE (Quincy for Registration, Inspection and Licensing Enactment) and Quincy Builds. There…
Read Full Article I am writing to share an important and deeply personal story with Muddy River News readers. Recently, I had the opportunity to be a guest on “What Came Next,” a true crime podcast. I spoke about the tragic murder of my sister, Amanda Folker, in Quincy and the subsequent release of her killer. On Sept.…
Read Full Article Jason Watkins stated in his Jan. 22 letter that Ronald Reagan was a Democrat when he served as governor of California. He was a Republican when he served as governor. President Reagan switched parties four years before he was elected governor of California. He said he didn’t leave the Democratic party, but the Democratic party left him. Mark FelsmanQuincy, Illinois EDITOR’S NOTE: Reagan defeated six Republican candidates…
Read Full Article I am politically voiceless. I am voiceless because I am a Democrat in Illinois’s 15th Congressional District. The State of Illinois, run by Democrats, has gerrymandered me into a district where my representative, Mary Miller, is not likely to take my views seriously. She will not do that because if she does, she will be…
Read Full Article I found Mr. (Chris) Bunch’s interview on Club Muddy very insightful. I, too, would like to see a more bipartisan country where more of the people’s concerns are addressed and everyone works together for the people, not the political party smearing and disagreeing with virtually everything of the opposing party. Starting in our own community…
Read Full Article As someone who has worked closely with both candidates running in the Republican primary for mayor of the City of Quincy, I feel uniquely positioned to offer insight into their leadership qualities. My professional experience includes five years supervising Dan Brink when he served as a Labor and Safety Specialist at Quincy Compressor while I…
Read Full Article I am writing to provide context regarding campaign material recently distributed by my opponent and a letter to the editor posted on Muddy River News written by a campaign worker of my opponent. It seems that in every campaign cycle, some candidates and their supporters choose to run from their record while in office and…
Read Full Article In my research and review of the Republican candidates for mayor of the city of Quincy, I was surprised to learn that Dan Brink — after serving as a Republican alderman for the city for two terms — was recommended by Michael Madigan to Gov. J.B. Pritzker to be appointed to the statewide parole board/commission.…
Read Full Article It looks like the city of Quincy is only considering what’s in the city as to selecting its air carrier. It’s called a “regional” airport for a reason. There are a lot more business and pleasure travelers than just those in town. I traveled extensively for Siemens, out of Quincy and back every week, for…
Read Full Article I am writing to express my strong opposition to the failed House Bill 4293 that Gov. JB Pritzker is attempting to force on lawmakers throughout the lame-duck session ending on Jan. 7. I am the owner of Sunmed, 5313 Oak, in Quincy. My business has proudly served our community since 2020 by offering high-quality, hemp-derived…
Read Full Article On Friday night at Voshall Gymnasium, home of the Pittsfield Saukees, a bunch of old guys came out of the locker room. It wasn’t in warm-up gear, and it certainly wasn’t real fast, as we all joked. Perhaps none of us could touch the rim or even make it around the gym in the big circle…
Read Full Article Attention, folks! Things are about to get wild here at Sunmed, and I’m not just talking about our usual in-store antics. No, this is a full-blown war that’s about to go down, and it’s all because of one little football game. You see, I’m a die-hard Army veteran who thinks the Black Knights are going…
Read Full Article Words have meaning, and I’ve heard more about the words diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the last four and a half years than ever before in Quincy and the surrounding area – really all over the country. People are trying to explain what it is and isn’t, why they think it’s useful or poppycock,…
Read Full Article With a new Essential Air Service (EAS) airline pending for the Quincy region, it is time for the community to again act on choosing a service provider. From January 2020, from SkyWest United Express yielding to the return of Cape Air to being replaced by Southern Airways Express, Quincy now is looking for another air…
Read Full Article I’m very excited about Quincy getting a new Prospect League baseball team, and I immediately started brainstorming names for the squad. Here’s what my family has come up with so far, in no particular order. Ice Cutters: Before machines could make it, much of the ice used to store food and cool drinks throughout the…
Read Full Article As I spend time with friends and colleagues in my community, I often hear about the divides in our society and how many people — regardless of political ideology — seem to agree on one thing: things are “getting worse.” There’s a persistent nostalgia for the so-called “good ole days,” a belief that if we…
Read Full Article I am writing after attending the Hannibal Public School District monthly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 19. Our district has been in financial distress for quite some time. This has led to difficult decisions for the current board. As the board navigates through difficult spending decisions, the public is frustrated by the emotional impact of the…
Read Full Article The views I share here reflect a letter I sent to Hannibal Public School’s board members, with some modifications to protect my child’s privacy from today’s online world. I planned to share my letter at the board meeting, but understanding that public comments won’t occur before the vote, I felt it was important to share…
Read Full Article It seems like every day we are infiltrated with information regarding war in the middle East and the Ukraine. How fortunate we are to have the brave men and women that make up the United States military. What a privilege it is to tuck our children and grandchildren in bed each night, under the blanket…
Read Full Article Regardless of how we feel about the election results, what’s important is how we move forward. Our nation’s voices have spoken, and how we treat one another after Nov. 5, is as meaningful (if not more) than before. True Democracy is not the muffling of voices, as it is the amplification of our collective voice as Americans. We…
Read Full Article First, a few definitions and clarifications. Abortion Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) definition of abortion: … a legal induced abortion is defined as “an intervention performed by a licensed clinician … that is intended to terminate a suspected or known ongoing intrauterine pregnancy and that does not result in a live birth.” This definition excludes management…
Read Full Article The following is long, but it could be the most important message you ever read. Please make your vote count for freedom. Vote now, vote early for all Republicans. Please be bold and share the following. We have a country to SAVE! Men, like nations, think they’re eternal. What man in his 20s or 30s doesn’t believe, at least subconsciously,…
Read Full Article A couple of weeks ago, MRN published an excellent editorial regarding the on-again off-again roundabout project for 48th and State. The entire debacle was an example of our so-called community leadership reducing themselves to engaging in a political pissing contest with the county. It gave the appearance that the contest was a higher priority than public…
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