Mark Felsman
Jason Watkins stated in his Jan. 22 letter that Ronald Reagan was a Democrat when he served as governor of California. He was a Republican when he served as governor. President Reagan switched parties four years before he was elected governor of California. He said he didn’t leave the Democratic party, but the Democratic party left him. Mark FelsmanQuincy, Illinois EDITOR’S NOTE: Reagan defeated six Republican candidates…
Read Full Article First, let me say Brother Zimmerman, you are courteous and conciliatory. You should have called me out. I quoted G.K. Chesterton, and Chesterton certainly was not a capitalist but a distributist. Wasn’t his description of distributism “40 acres and a cow for everyone?” Certainly a different time. But the point was to favor small businesses…
Read Full Article Brother Joe, what was the mission of Jesus? I think scripture and tradition would say Jesus came to save sinners of whom I am chief (1 Timothy 1:15-17). Didn’t Father Ronald Knox say Christians aren’t here to make the world a better place but to colonize heaven? Certainly Christians are to help the poor again…
Read Full Article I am replying to Catherine Frederick’s letter. Does she realize these people have entered our country illegally? If we have no borders, we have no country. No one blames them for wanting a better life, but is America obligated to accept everyone who wants a better life? Isn’t our government’s first obligation to its own…
Read Full Article I am writing in response to the letter from Nicholas Scholz, which said the proposed “Sanctuary City for the Unborn” ordinance would make Quincy less competitive in the market for young, educated workers. Perhaps Mr. Scholz would prefer only people with college degrees to vote? I am reminded of William Buckley’s famous saying that he…
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