The Hort Report
The upcoming days are going to be seasonal with warm days and cool nights. There is still time to prune on your fruit trees, grapes and brambles. When pruning cherry and peach trees, use the open vase/open face method of pruning. The branches and limbs grow out and away from the center of the tree.…
Read Full Article Now is the best time of year to prune all types of fruit trees, grapes and brambles while they are still in their dormant stage. As the weather warms up and the sap starts to run, you shouldn’t be pruning as this will hurt the production of fruit. Once you begin to see buds start…
Read Full Article The past few days have really been great for outdoor work. The next few weeks look like the days will be warm, but the nights will be at or below the freezing mark. I have had several people ask if they should be cleaning off their flowerbeds. I have noticed several different types of perennials…
Read Full Article Hoping and praying everyone had a blessed Christmas and remembered the reason for the Christmas season. Happy New Year, too. Let’s review what you can do with your Christmas tree. I still like to have a live Christmas tree to use on the front porch. Here are things you can do with them and any…
Read Full Article Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone and your families from Laura, Hillary, Sandra and myself. The birth of Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. Saturday, Dec. 21 was the first day of winter and the winter solstice. That means that we will begin to have more minutes of daylight each day…
Read Full Article From Laura, Hillary, Sandra and I, we pray and hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and remembered to thank God for all your blessings. Spring for me will start Jan. 7. That will be the first South Shelby Adult Vo-Ag horticulture class for 2025. It will start at 5:30 pm in the South Shelby…
Read Full Article The weather is more normal for this time of year. We are finally getting rain that will seal the cracks in the ground, helping the roots on plants, shrubs, bushes, trees and grass survive the coming winter. Nov. 11-20 is Indian Summer, and the weather is supporting it. Hopefully we keep these temperatures for several…
Read Full Article Many of you have had a frost or freeze in the past few weeks, but it didn’t do much damage. All of your root-type vegetables, even some above-ground vegetables, survived. To keep them growing, water them so the roots aren’t exposed to the cold air. Draw on paper your garden plan where all your vegetables…
Read Full Article The fall weather is here, and we are dealing with it in many ways. Hopefully, you got much-needed rain. With the cooler temperatures, you know it is fall. I have noticed that people, when they mow, are mowing dirt, weeds and not much else. I have talked about mowing based on the height of the…
Read Full Article The first day of fall was Sept. 22. The daylight hours are getting shorter. You have less time to work in your garden, flowerbeds and yard after 5 p.m. I enjoy this time of year and always find things to do every day. The weather has been hot and dry for the past several weeks.…
Read Full Article The weather has been dry the past few days. Many of you should be watering your vegetables to make sure they get plenty of water this time of year. When watering, water early in the morning or early in the evening for about one hour before sunset. Watering at these times of day will allow…
Read Full Article Thanks for all your prayers during the past few days. Laura and I appreciate them. Please keep them coming as I recover from my recent medical issues. I’m doing better and hope to return to my normal self in a few days. The weather has been great for this time of year for you to be…
Read Full Article Hope everyone had a great Fourth of July. Many of you should be getting a lot of produce from your gardens. Cool-season vegetables have been harvested, and warm-season vegetables are producing. Think about what vegetables and where you will be planting them in your fall garden. You can start planting fall garden vegetables in late…
Read Full Article The Summer Solstice — the first day of summer — was June 20. The daylight hours we have each day will decrease until the Winter Solstice on the first day of winter on Dec. 21. The weather we have been having the past few days reminds me of 2023. The hot dry wind and lack…
Read Full Article Happy Father’s Day to all the special fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers. Let them know how much you appreciate them and how special they are to you. The weather has been great for all your gardening and yard work. The one thing we see is not having enough rain for all the plants in gardens…
Read Full Article Everything should be growing faster with the warmer weather and rain we have been getting. Hopefully many of you have got everything in the garden and flowerbeds. Many people have been buying transplants to put in the garden and flowerbeds. Some places are starting to discount them so they don’t lose a lot of money.…
Read Full Article With the weather we have been having over the past few days, hopefully many of you have done some planting in your garden and flowerbeds. Get your vegetable and flower transplants and seed in the soil because you don’t need to worry about cold weather. The weather has been good for helping weeds grow. Remove…
Read Full Article Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and grandmothers. Make sure you tell them how much you love them. I’ve seen several pairs of barn swallows in the past few days, and the weather has been changing, so spring is here for a while. Many of you in the past few days have got much-needed…
Read Full Article The weather has been almost normal for this time of year. Many people got some need rain. Hopefully we will all get some in the coming days. With the day and night temperatures rising each day, we should start to plant some warm-season vegetables and flowers. I planted Bush green beans in raised beds in…
Read Full Article I pray everyone had a blessed Easter while remembering that Jesus died to save us all. The weather is beginning to be more like spring with much-needed rain and warmer days. Hopefully, many of you have done some garden planting. In the community garden behind the Father Buhman Center in Shelbina, Mo. carrots, beets, lettuce,…
Read Full Article The calendar says it is spring, but the weather acts like we can still have several more days of winter. So what can you be doing? I have seen several yards already have been mowed once. I realize many people cut grass short no matter the time of the year. You should allow grass to…
Read Full Article Hopefully many of you have received some much-needed rain during the last few days. The rain, with the above-normal temperatures, will help many plants start to grow. I have had some questions in the past few days about getting new grass to start to grow. Spring and fall are the best times to start new…
Read Full Article The saying about weather in Missouri is true. If you don’t like it, wait a couple of days and it will change. We still have time to prune your fruit trees, grapes and brambles. Don’t want to prune after the sap starts flowing for this year. When pruning grapes, remember new grapes only grow on…
Read Full Article The weather has been above normal for temperature and below normal for moisture, so enjoy the warmer weather we are having. Spring is coming soon. We may have a few cold days and nights ahead, so you should still do your spring pruning of your fruit trees. However, I have seen many large groups of…
Read Full Article We have seen a lot of moisture get into the ground during the past few days from all the rain and melting snow. This will help build up the moisture in the soil. The South Shelby Adult Vo-Ag Horticulture had its first class on Jan. 23. Plans are to be starting seeds by Feb. 13.…
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