Fifteen Quincy businesses receive federal COVID-19 restaurant relief funds totaling more than $1.5 million


Hotel Nauvoo | Photo:

Hotel Nauvoo receives $1.03 million in grant money

QUINCY — More than $1.5 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds has been given to 15 restaurants, bars and catering companies in Quincy during the last six months.

The businesses are among 101,000 across the United States receiving emergency assistance from the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. The U.S. Small Business Administration administered the program and opened applications on May 3 for businesses seeking funding.

Priority in the first 21 days was given to “small businesses owned by women, veterans, and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.” However, reported litigation filed by conservative groups alleging discrimination against white men forced SBA to stop processing applications from priority groups.

The SBA closed the application portal on July 14 after funds ran out. The Arizona Republic reported the SBA received 278,304 applications for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund totaling more than $72.2 billion — far exceeding the allocated pool of $28.6 billion.

In Illinois, 4,542 businesses received $1,419,060,915. In Missouri, 1,200 businesses received $284,160,480.

The largest share of the grant money given to Quincy restaurants went to JJ’s Catering, 1400 N. 30th, which received nearly $300,000. Three other Quincy businesses — RPW7 LLC, which owns the Revelry at 121 N. Fourth; Thyme Square Cafe Inc. at 615 Hampshire; and Beacon of Light LLC, which owns Firehouse Subs at 3720 Broadway — received at least $200,000.

John A. Kraus Company, which owns the Hotel Nauvoo at 1290 Mulholland in Nauvoo, received $1,031,090, the largest grant of any restaurant in west-central Illinois or northeast Missouri.

Recipients must spend money by March 11, 2023

The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, which became law in March, established the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. The program provided restaurants with funding equal to their pandemic-related revenue loss up to $10 million per business, providing no more than $5 million per physical location.

Funds can go toward food expenses, operational costs, supplies, payroll, rent and mortgage payments, utility payments, maintenance expenses, outdoor seating construction, supplier payments and debt. Recipients are not required to repay the funding as long as funds are used for eligible uses no later than March 11, 2023.

For businesses that were operational on or before January 1, 2019, grant amounts were determined by calculating gross receipts from 2019 minus 2020 gross receipts and Paycheck Protection Program loan amounts. Other methods were used to calculate grant amounts for businesses that started in 2019 or later. 

Quincy-area businesses that received RRF funds (scroll right for more information if you are reading this on a smartphone)

Approval DateBusiness NameBusiness AddressCityStateGrant AmountVeteran OwnedFemale OwnedRestaurant Type
May 14, 2021JJ’s Catering LLC1400 N. 30th, Suite 1QuincyIL297,652.93YesYesCaterer and Restaurant
May 14, 2021RPW7 LLC (Revelry)121 N. FourthQuincyIL266,419.11NoYesBar, Saloon, Lounge, Tavern
May 18, 2021S2S Bistro LLC (Seoul to Soul)218 N. SixthQuincyIL55,028.20NoNoBar, Saloon, Lounge, Tavern, Restaurant
May 7, 2021Tricia DeJaynes (Convenient Chef)500 HampshireQuincyIL78,986.55NoYesCaterer
May 7, 2021CNR Food Services Inc. (Auntie Anne’s)3320 Quincy MallQuincyIL140,530NoNoRestaurant
May 7, 2021Hogs Roast LLC (former Que Town/Jimbeana’s)120 S. 10thQuincyIL31,656.50NoYesBar, Saloon, Lounge, Tavern, Caterer, Food Stand, Food Truck, Food Cart and Restaurant
May 7, 2021Jonathan Sidell (Sidell’s Bakery)3347 Quincy MallQuincyIL42,598.23NoYesRestaurant
May 29, 2021Grootens Inc. (Mr. Bill’s Bar and Grill)538 S. 12thQuincyIL13,369.00NoNoBar, Saloon, Lounge, Tavern and Restaurant
May 29, 2021Thyme Square Cafe Inc.615 HampshireQuincyIL218,704.00NoNoRestaurant
May 15, 2021Beacon of Light LLC (Firehouse Subs)3720 BroadwayQuincyIL209,554.20YesNoCaterer and Restaurant
May 7, 2021The Red Light Bar and Grill606 Meadow CircleQuincyIL113,780.81NoYesRestaurant
May 7, 2021Fuji at Quincy Inc.5005 BroadwayQuincyIL51,429NoNoRestaurant
May 11, 2021Maya Restaurant4420 BroadwayQuincyIL33,781NoNoRestaurant
May 29, 2001Shupe Shack LLC118 E. CollinsMendonIL31,098.05NoNoSnack, Nonalcoholic Beverage Bar
May 18, 2021Pamela Utterback (Bainbridge Street Cafe)717 MortimerBarryIL135,891.19NoYesRestaurant
May 18, 2021Jennifer Whitaker (Jen’s BowenArrow Restaurant and Bar)120 E. FifthBowenIL116,856.00NoYesRestaurant
May 26, 2021Clara Howell32959 State Highway 96HullIL21,219NoYesFood Stand, Food Truck, Food Cart
May 16, 2021Renee’s Place LTD220 E. MainMount SterlingIL83,922.08NoYesRestaurant
May 7, 2021Yingling Brews LLC (Brews Coffee Shop)113 W. MainMount SterlingIL34,342.50NoYesRestaurant, Nonalcoholic Beverage Bar, Snack
May 29, 2021Wachter Investments Corp. (Sportsman’s Tavern)109 W. UnionMount SterlingIL114,724.64NoNoBar, Saloon, Lounge, Tavern
May 20, 2021John A. Kraus Company (Hotel Nauvoo)1290 MulhollandNauvooIL1,031,090YesYesInn and Restaurant
May 11, 2021Xiong Zhu (Panda Chinese Restaurant)1100 W. WashingtonPittsfieldIL28,708.23NoNoRestaurant
May 7, 2021Riverside Restaurant LLC111 BirdHannibalMO6,555.23NoYesRestaurant
May 7, 2021Ole Planters Restaurant316 N. MainHannibalMO29,433.45NoNoRestaurant
May 29, 2021Leland Ventures, Inc. (Ten Pin Alleys)306 S. SixthHannibalMO62343.88NoNoOther, Bar, Saloon, Lounge, Tavern
May 29, 2021Todd Rourke (Big Muddy BBQ)401 BroadwayHannibalMO62220.54NoNoRestaurant
June 4, 2021Due Amici Pizzeria LLC121 N. MainHannibalMO83,724.16NoNoRestaurant
May 11, 2021Jim Williams (Mr. Goodtime Bar & Grill) 24480 Granite Ave.LewistownMO81,000.00NoYesBar, Saloon, Lounge, Tavern and Restaurant
May 7, 2021Monroe Family Restaurant LLC601 U.S. Highway 24-36 E.Monroe CityMO23,752.46YesYesRestaurant
May 26, 2021New Peking Buffet1110 U.S. Highway 24-36Monroe CityMO30,881.00NoYesRestaurant
May 26, 2021Scoreboard Bar and Grill LLC103 E. SummerMonroe CityMO14,486.19NoYesBar, Saloon, Lounge, Tavern and Restaurant
June 25, 2021Junction Steakhouse and Saloon LLC28840 Highway 19PerryMO246,378.50NoNoOther, Bar, Saloon, Lounge, Tavern and Restaurant
May 25, 2021Shelbina Family Restaurant302 N. CenterShelbinaMO2,954.30NoYesRestaurant

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