Sludge dome building to be demolished for $143,413; site could be location of future amphitheater

QUINCY — The Quincy City Council approved a low bid from Blick’s Construction for $143,413 for the demolition of the sludge dome building on Front Street during Monday’s meeting at the Quincy Regional Training Center.
Director of Public Works Jeffrey Conte told aldermen the pump station inside the sludge dome building was built in 1980s, calling it a “bad design from the get-go.” He said the sludge being pumped into the tank would “turn to cement” if it wasn’t pumped continuously.
“It requires quite a bit of maintenance and a lot of operator attention. It’s a labor cost, essentially, to run it,” Conte said.
Conte said a replacement station that has been in operation for about a year and a half has zero maintenance by comparison.
“We’re getting rid of this as part of the long-term master plan and turning it into something else,” he said.
The Quincy City Council authorized Mayor Mike Troup on Dec. 11 to request the re-allocation of $350,000 in grant funding from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for costs associated with the demolition of the building to accommodate the potential construction of an amphitheater in conjunction with the redevelopment of the riverfront.
In other action, aldermen:
- Approved an ordinance granting a special use permit to build a multi-tenant commercial development at 1215 Hampshire and 200-208 N. 12th Street. Jason Deters plans for Deters Frozen Custard to return to the city at that location, as well as his 3D Windows and Siding business and another yet-to-be named business.
- Approved an ordinance granting a special use permit to Kristi Cookson to demolish a garage at 1420 N. Ninth and construct a garage with a single living unit.
- Approved for the Machinist Lodge 822 Retirees to conduct a raffle through Aug. 31.
- Approved Troup’s appointment of Scott Walden to serve on the Quincy Public Library Board of Trustees and his reappointments of Clairice Hetzler and Dean LaVelle to the Quincy Public Library Board of Trustees, all for three-year terms.
- Approved for the Quincy Police Department to buy 73 memberships for officers to remain members of the West Central Illinois Criminal Justice Council in Jerseyville at a total cost of $9,125.
- Approved a bid for $224,566.90 from Complete Asphalt Service Company of Pittsfield for this year’s motor fuel tax crack seal project.
- Approved a quote from Bryan’s Tools Sales, LLC of Mendon for $14,000 for diagnostic and testing equipment to assist with the repair and routine maintenance of city vehicles.
- Approved a resolution for improvement for bridge deck patching, joint replacement and other related superstructure and substructure improvements for the proposed North 18th Street Bridge rehabilitation project for $650,000 using motor fuel tax funds.
- Approved a proposal from Klingner and Associates for $39,000 for design of the proposed North 18th Street Bridge rehabilitation project.
- Approved the low bid from Leander Construction of Canton for $2.689 million for the Water Treatment Plant Pump Station Contract “D” project.
- Approved spending an additional $205,000 of motor fuel tax funds for asphalt resurfacing projects throughout the city. Engineering Director Steve Bange said the city set aside $250,000 for crack sealing last year, but the contract was not awarded. “We increased the size of (this year’s) asphalt resurfacing project, and this is just moving that money over,” Bange said, calling it a “bookkeeping issue.”
- Approved the emergency procurement of a new diesel oxidation catalyst for a 2015 John Deere tractor from Martin Tractor, Inc. of Quincy for $9,834.94.
- Learned from Greg Fletcher (R-1) that “between 6,000 and 8,000 people” attended the Gem City Concert Series in Lincoln Park last weekend. “Obviously, (concert promoter Scott Edlin) is going to want to do it again,” Fletcher said. “I just wish he had some acts that I recognized.” Rein shot back, “Lawrence Welk?”
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