Letter to the Editor: Must be nice to hide behind bottom line, not face moral responsibility before God

Gary Wallace

Gary Wallace | Screen grab from City of Quincy Facebook livestream

My wife, Paula Wallace, and I both shared words of advice on Tuesday night at the Quincy City Council meeting, along with many others who were standing against the abortion racket being perpetrated in Illinois. 

Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful, even though the message and appeal for life and blessing was clearly with the pro-life people in our community. The City Council evidently felt more concerned about the potential threats of lawsuits than they did the threat of any repercussions of any wrongdoing, especially towards the lives of those babies and mommas who would be affected by their decision.  

It must be nice to hide behind the bottom line and not have to face the moral responsibility before God, the public and their own families. Make no mistake, there are moral repercussions and rippling effects from this decision, as there are from everything we do, That’s the point.

Sadly enough, we are desperate for quality, moral leadership in every area of American life and society. Our families, our churches, our businesses, schools and government have caved to the same kind of threats, only to lose their moral clarity and convictions. 

It sounds so easy to just put God and the Bible on the shelf and just go about our merry way making life’s practical decisions without having to wrestle with the deeper moral issues surrounding our choices and decisions. We’ve literally pushed it so far in America that we’re fulfilling the scriptural warning in Isaiah 5:20 … ”woe those who call evil good, and good evil … who put light for darkness, and darkness for light.” 

John Adams said, ”Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”    

So much for the kind of moral leadership that actually ”lays down their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.”

Oh, no. We’re tearing their statues down instead of honoring their sacrifice. 

Gary Wallace
Quincy, Illinois

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